Nepal: CRC Concluding observations, CRC/C/NPL/CO/3-5, paras 57-58, 3 June 2016

Nepal: CRC Concluding observations, CRC/C/NPL/CO/3-5, paras 57-58, 3 June 2016

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CRC Concluding observations
paras 57-58
3 June 2016

57. […] The Committee is concerned about:

58. […] The Committee recommends that the State party:

(b) Decreases in the proportion of the budget allocated to State provided education combined with the emergence of private schools, which exacerbates segregation and discrimination in the education system while reducing overall quality of education available to children.

(c) Take appropriate regulatory measures to ensure that private providers of education do not undermine social cohesion, or exacerbate segregation and discrimination, in particular by effectively regulating fees, syllabus, admission criteria and diversity of student backgrounds, and other barriers to access, and ensure the adequate implementation of the legislation, as well as ensure child friendly school infrastructure in private schools.