GI-ESCR in the media
Changing the narrative on economic, social and cultural rights
We constantly look for innovative ways to effectively further social and economic justice, gender equality and human dignity. Changing the narrative is at the core of this mission. We seek to reach out to people, by engaging with their diversity, values and experiences and, as far as possible, in their own languages. For us, media outlets represent an important bridge that meet this goal. As we work in many countries around the world and at global level too, we strive to engage with media outlets worldwide, focusing not only on articles but also on interviews and open editorials as a human voice relaying people’s experiences and alternatives for transformative change.
GI-ESCR welcomes all media-related enquiries on human rights issues. If you are interested, please contact
8 March 2023 - Social Europe (UK) - How to strengthen women’s resilience to disasters. Op-Ed by our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda on International Women’s Day.
Common Dreams (US) - To Strengthen Women's Resilience to Disasters, Make the Wealthiest Pay Their fair share.
Global Issues (US) - To Strengthen Women’s Resilience to Disasters, Make Wealthiest Pay Their Fair Share.
LA Progressive (US) - Strengthen Women's Resilience: Tax the Rich.
Interpress Service (Global South) - To Strengthen Women’s Resilience to Disasters, Make Wealthiest Pay Their Fair Share.
Le Club de Mediapart (France) - Pour des femmes plus résilientes face aux catastrophes naturelles, taxons les plus riches et les superprofits.
Le Soir (Belgium) - Pour des femmes plus résilientes face aux catastrophes naturelles, taxons les plus riches et les superprofits.
ZamanBelcika (Belgium) - Kadınların Afetlere Karşı Direncini Güçlendirmek İçin Zenginlerin Paylarını Adil Bir Şekilde Ödemesini Sağlayın. (in Turkish)
Haberik (Turkey) - Dünya bayanlar Günü, 2023Kadınların Afetlere Karşı Direncini Güçlendirmek İçin Zenginlerin Paylarını Adil bir halde Ödemesini Sağlayın.
Il Fatto Quotidiano (Italy) - Tassare i ricchi e i super-profitti per salvare le donne (dai disastri naturali).
Noticias RTV (Spain) - Fortalecimiento de la resiliencia de las mujeres frente a los desastres naturales.
O Jornal Economico (Portugal) - Fortalecer a resiliência das mulheres perante os desastres naturais.
The Hindubusinessline (India) - A calamitous impact.
The Local Report (India) - To strengthen women’s resilience to disasters, make the wealthiest pay their fair share.
UN Store (Nepal) - To Strengthen Girls’s Resilience to Disasters, Make Wealthiest Pay Their Truthful Share.
South Africa Herald (South Africa) -To Strengthen Women’s Resilience to Disasters, Make Wealthiest Pay Their Fair Share.
Premium Times (Nigeria) - To strengthen women’s resilience to disasters, make the wealthiest pay their fair share.
Economist (Namibia) - To strengthen women’s resilience to disasters, make the wealthiest pay their fair share.
All Africa (Kenya) - To Strengthen Women's Resilience to Disasters, Make Wealthiest Pay Their Fair Share.
The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia) - To strengthen women’s resilience to disasters, make the wealthiest pay their fair share.
L’Economiste (Tunisia) - Pour des femmes plus résilientes face aux catastrophes naturelles, taxons les plus riches et les superprofits.
Tempo (Indonesia) - To Strengthen Women's Resilience to Disasters, Make the Wealthiest Pay Their Fair Share.
Financial Express (Kuwait) - To Strengthen Women’s Resilience to Disasters, Make Wealthiest Pay Their Fair Share.
Poder 360 (Brazil) - Que mais ricos paguem para fortalecer mulheres frente a desastres...
Mexico Social (Mexico) - Para reforzar la resiliencia de las mujeres ante las catástrofes.
La Mula (Peru) - Para reforzar la resiliencia de las mujeres ante las catástrofes, los más ricos deben pagar la parte que les corresponde.
Acento (Dominican Republic) - Mujeres ante las catástrofes, los más ricos deben pagar lo que les corresponde.
20 February 2023 - The Standard (Kenya) - Step up campaign for equity in the provision of public services. Op-Ed by Ashina Mstumi and Valentina Contreras on Social Justice Day, about the Santiago Declaration, a direct result of the Our Future is Public conference held last December in Santiago de Chile.
El Mostrador (Chile) - Servicios públicos para todos: el camino hacia la justicia social.
Mexico Social (Mexico) - Sobre el día de la Sobre el día de la justicia social.
18 January 2023 - La Nación (Argentina) - América Latina debe dejar de ignorar el elefante en la sala. Op-Ed by our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona and Vicente Silva, on the need for the Latam region to achieve global, sustainable and equitable taxation.
Mexico Social (Mexico)- América Latina debe dejar de ignorar el elefante en la sala.
18 January 2023 - El País (Costa Rica) - Colombia propone primera cumbre latinoamericana para una tributación global.
6 December 2022 - Social Europe - Taxing super-profits to beat inflation, defend rights. (Op-Ed by our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona, which has been published in 24 media outlets in 23 countries as well as in some global and regional outlets. The Op-Ed is available in 5 different languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian.
Common Dreams (USA) - Tax the Superprofits to Win the Inflation Battle and Defend Human Rights.
LAProgressive (USA) - Win Inflation Battle, Defend Human Rights by Taxing Superprofits.
El País (Spain) - Gravar las superganancias para ganar la batalla de la inflación y defender los derechos humanos.
Economist (Namibia) - Taxing the superprofits to win the inflation batte, and defend Human Rights.
Premium Times (Nigeria) - Taxing superprofits to win the inflation battle, and defend human rights.
Daily Maverick (South Africa) - Multinationals make obscene profits out of global crises — tax them to defend human rights.
The Phnom Penhm Post (Cambodia) - Taxing the superprofits to win the inflation battle, and defend human rights.
Tempo (Indonesia) - Taxing The Superprofits to Win The Inflation Battle, and Defend Human Rights.
Egyeconomy (Egypt) - Taxing the superprofits to win the inflation battle, and defend human rights.
Hindu Business Line (India) - Tax super-profits to win the inflation battle, and defend human rights.
Mediapart (France) - Taxer les superprofits pour gagner la bataille contre l'inflation et défendre les droits humaines.
Le Soir (Belgium) - Taxer les superprofits pour gagner la bataille contre l’inflation et défendre les droits de l’homme.
Telquel (Morocco) - Taxer les superprofits pour gagner la bataille contre l'inflation et défendre les droits de l'homme.
L’Economist (Tunisia) - Taxer les superprofits pour gagner la bataille contre l'inflation et défendre les droits de l'homme.
O Jornal Economico (Portugal) - Tributar os lucros extraordinários para vencer a batalha contra a inflação e defender os direitos humanos.
Expansao (Angola) - Tributar os lucros extraordinários para vencer a batalha contra a inflação e defender os direitos humanos.
Altreconomia (Italy) - Tassiamo i ricchi e i loro super-profitti per vincere l’inflazione e difendere i diritti umani.
Poder 360 (Brazil) - Tributar lucros extraordinários ajudaria a vencer a inflação.
El Universo (Ecuador) - Gravar las superganancias para ganar la batalla de la inflación y defender los derechos humanos.
El Cohete a la Luna (Argentina) - La austeridad no es inevitable.
La Diaria (Uruguay) - Gravar las superganancias para ganar la batalla de la inflación y defender los DDHH.
Proceso (Mexico) - Gravar las superganancias para ganar la batalla de la inflación y defender los derechos humanos.
La Mula (Peru) - Gravar las superganancias para ganar la batalla de la inflación y defender los derechos humanos.
30 November 2022 - El Acento (Dominican Republic) - Abogan porque países latinoamericanos trabajen juntos para implementar reformas fiscales progresivas.
22 November 2022 - El Mostrador (Chile) - "Nuestro futuro es público", la conferencia que realizará GI-ESCR
ADN País Radio (Chile) - “Nuestro Futuro es público”, la conferencia que realizará GI-ESCR.
Alegrate FM (Chile) - “Nuestro Futuro es público”, la conferencia que realizará GI-ESCR.
El Demócrata (Chile) - Una conferencia en Chile que reúne movimientos de todo el mundo para combatir múltiples crisis.
Maule Noticias (Chile) - Una conferencia en Chile que reúne movimientos de todo el mundo para combatir múltiples crisis.
Página 12 (Argentina) - Servicios públicos a la cabeza o con la cabeza de los servicios públicos.
18 November 2022 - Observatorio Ciudadano (Chile) - Recomendación sobre los derechos de las mujeres y niñas indígenas de CEDAW considera recomendación presentada por GI-ESCR.
16 November 2022 - Nexos (Mexico) - El cambio climático a juicio de derechos humanos. Op-Ed by José Antonio Guevara Bermúdez.
13 October 2022 - EFE Agency (Spain)- Winds of Change: the future of tax reforms in Latin America.
Law360 (United States) - Colombia Urges OECD To Reopen Global Tax Talks.
La Conexión USA (United States) - El FMI ve con buenos ojos las reformas tributarias de Colombia y Chile.
Infobae (Latam) - El FMI ve con buenos ojos las reformas tributarias de Colombia y Chile.
La Jornada (Mexico) - Colombia y Chile, por buen camino en propuestas de reforma fiscal: FMI
El Desconcierto (Chile) - FMI ve con optimismo la Reforma Tributaria que está impulsando Chile.
La Tercera (Chile) - FMI destaca la idea de impulsar una reforma tributaria en Chile y Colombia, pero llama a ser responsable a la hora del gasto fiscal.
NewsDayFR (UK) - Le FMI met en avant la réforme fiscale du Chili : “Ça va dans la bonne direction”.
ABC (Paraguay) - Oxfam pide en el FMI que la receta ante la desaceleración “no sea austeridad”.
Cooperativa (Chile) - "Avanza en la dirección correcta": FMI ve con buenos ojos la reforma tributaria en Chile.
Forbes (Colombia) - El FMI ve con buenos ojos la reforma tributaria de Petro.
El País (Colombia) - Nobel de Economía Joseph Stiglitz respaldó la reforma tributaria del Gobierno Petro.
EFE Servicios (Spain) - Colombia defiende su sobretasa al petróleo y apuesta por energías renovables.
Que Pasa (Colombia) - Colombia defiende su sobretasa al petróleo y apuesta por energías renovables.
La Nación (Colombia) - Reforma tributaria recibe espaldarazo internacional.
El Norte (Colombia) - Espaldarazo del FMI y del Nobel Joseph Stiglitz a la reforma tributaria de Colombia.
Cablenoticias TV (Colombia) - El FMI ve con buenos ojos la reforma tributaria de Colombia.
Noticias Caracol (Colombia) - Nobel de Economía elogia reforma tributaria de Petro: ve bien que sector minero-energético pague más.
11 October 2022 - Norrag (Switzerland) - Are commercial private schools improving transparency in education?
22 September 2022 - México Social (Mexico) - Llamado a Chile y Colombia para un nuevo pacto fiscal.
1 September 2022 - France24 (France) - Chile new constitution: Activists fight to stop spead of fake news ahead of vote
13 August 2022 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Los nuevos aires de la política exterior del Gobierno. Op-Ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda and Vicente Silva.
5 August 2022 - BioBio (Chile) - Es un deber democrático que la ciudadanía conozca la nueva Constitución. Op-Ed by Valentina Contreras.
5 August 2022 - Contexto Factual (Chile) - Las iniciativas que buscan analizar normas de la propuesta constitucional.
5 August 2022 - NewsClick ( India) - Commercialisation Deprives Kenyan Slum-Dwellers of Proper Healthcare.
Peoples Dispatch (India) - How commercialization and privatization deplete people’s health in Kenya’s urban settlements.
3 August 2022 - The Niche (Nigeria) - African CSOs decry private sector takeover of education, dying public schools.
3 August 2022 - BONews (Nigeria) - ‘Privatization has Worsened Education Gap Between the Rich and the Poor’.
28 July 2022 - RWI (Sweden) - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Headed for another Cold War? (Op-Ed by our ED, Magdalena Sepúlveda)
24 July 2022 - Violeta Radio (Mexico) - De Rebeldías y Resiliencias Ambientales Feministas.
17 July 2022 - Notre Voie (Côte d’Ivoire) - Le MIDH revisite les principes d’Abidjan sur le système éducatif.
1st July 2022 - Le Jour Plus (Côte d’Ivoire) - Système éducatif ivoirien: Un atelier du Midh pour contribuer à l'amélioration de la qualité.
30 June 2022 - L’Expression (Côte d’Ivoire) - Marchandisation de l’école. Le Midh fait des recommandations.
30 June 2022 - AIP ( Côte d’Ivoire) Le MIDH pour l’application des principes d’Abidjan en matière d’éducation.
30 June 2022 - Radio de la Paix (Côte d’Ivoire) - Atelier MIDH sur l’impact de la privation sur le droit à l’éducation en CI.
30 June 2022 - NCI (Côte d’Ivoire) - Éducation de qualité pour tous: Le MIDH évalue acquis et insuffisances.
19 June 2022 -ABC Net (Australia) - Reembracing the spirit of public service.
19 June 2022 - Mexico Social (Mexico) - La Constitución es Nuestra (The constitution is ours).
10 June 2022 -Bianet (Turkey) - "Umut insanlara geri dönüyor" ("Hope returns to people"). On Chile’s constitutional process and our work in the country, featuring GI-ESCR Representative in Chile, Valentina Contreras.
8 June 2022 - Open Global Rights (Global) - Can commercialized healthcare systems help us adapt to the climate crisis? The article quotes our report: Patients or Customers? The Impact of Commercialised Healthcare on the Right to Health in Kenya during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
7 June 2022 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Cumbre de las Américas: la oportunidad de Boric contra los paraísos fiscales. Op-Ed by Rodrigo Echecopar, GI-ESCR Director of Strategy and Advocacy.
30 May 2022 - Bio Bio (Chile) - La Constitución es Nuestra. Op-Ed by Andrea Castellón, GI-ESCR Program officer. The article refers to our join project to disseminate information about the constitutional process in Chile.
DeboSaber (Chile) - Columna de opinión: «La Constitución es nuestra».
En Qué Invertir (Chile) - La Constitución es Nuestra.
Sentirse Bella (Chile) - La Constitución es Nuestra.
Noticias Hoy (Chile) - La Constitución es Nuestra.
Red Digital (Chile) - La Constitución es Nuestra.
MacroMedio (Chile) - La Constitución es Nuestra.
27 May 2022 - Revista Haz (Spain)- La sociedad civil latinoamericana participa en el cambio de constitución chilena.
20 May 2022 - The BMJ (Global) - States cannot negotiate a pandemic treaty alone. Op-Ed by our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona co-written with Tim Fish Hodgson and Mike Podmore.
11 May 2022 - Social Europe (Europe) - The post-pandemic recovery will be green and feminist or it will not be. (Op-Ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona).
25 April 2022 - Encuentro internacional Servicios Públicos Universales y de Calidad para el nuevo Chile.
G5Noticias (Chile) - Senadora Pascual por Acuerdo Gobierno-CUT: “Destaco y valoro este acuerdo, ya que coloca en el centro las condiciones de trabajo y los sueldos dignos”.
Cronica Digital (Chile) - Senadora Pascual por Acuerdo Gobierno-CUT: “Destaco y valoro este acuerdo… ya que coloca en el centro las condiciones de trabajo y los sueldos dignos”.
16 April 2022 - People’s Dispatch (India) - Civil society organizations criticize World Bank Group for privatization of healthcare.
15 April 2022 - World Education Blog (Global) - The World Bank delivers a blow to commercial practices in education.
13 April 2022 - TV 47 Kenya (Kenya)- A report on the impact of commercialized healthcare in Nigeria has been launched.
Waso TV (Kenya)- Isiolo County Director of Public Health & Director of Mental Health Services recieves the report.
KTN News (Kenya) - The government has been urged to consider increasing budget allocations to the health sector to up to 15%.
K24TV - (Kenya) Improving Health Care.
9 April 2022 - G5 Noticias (Chile) - Lanzan en Chile primera resolución centrada en la emergencia climática y su alcance con los derechos humanos.
Radio Agricultura (Chile) - Lanzamiento de resolución sobre emergencia climática.
7 April 2022 - Pauta (Chile) - Análisis de las incipientes medidas de gobierno bajo la lupa de los derechos humanos.
7 April 2022 - Africa Rights Talk podcast (South Africa) - Reversing the commercialisation of public services with a particular focus on the right to health.
4 April 2022 - Poder360 (Portugal) - Plebiscito abre caminho para maior justiça fiscal no Chile, Op-ed on fiscal justice by Magdalena Sepúlveda and Ricardo Martner.
1 April 2022 - Reunión de Pauta (Chile) - Derechos de propiedad en la Convención: ¿Avance o regresión?.
22 March 2022 -Radio Universidad de Chile (Chile) - Our Director of Strategy and Policy, Rodrigo Echecopar, participated in the radio show La Política en vivo (as of minute 33) to discuss Chile’s constitutional moment.
8 March 2022 - An op-ed by our Executive Director Magdalena Sepúlveda on International Women’s Day gained worldwide attention. It is available in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
Open Democracy (Global) - The post-pandemic future will be green or there won’t be a future. (Also available in Spanish and Porytuguese).
Common Dreams (USA) - The post-pandemic recovery will be green and feminist or it won't be.
The Economist (Namibia) - The post-pandemic recovery will be green and feminist or it will not be.
Premium Times (Nigeria) - The post-pandemic recovery will be green and feminist or it won’t be.
Le Club de Mediapart (France) - La reprise postpandémie sera verte et féministe ou ne sera pas.
El Watan-dz (Algeria) - La reprise post-pandémie sera verte et féministe ou ne sera pas.
Altreconomía (Italy) - “La ripresa post-pandemia sarà verde e femminista, o non ci sarà”
La Libre (Belgium) - La reprise postpandémie sera verte et féministe ou ne sera pas.
El País (Spain) - Chile y la redacción de una Constitución feminista.
La Diaria (Uruguay) - La recuperación pospandemia será verde y feminista o no será.
Mexico Social (Mexico) - La recuperación pospandemia será verde y feminista o no será.
La Mula (Peru) - La recuperación postpandemia será verde y feminista o no será.
El Universo (Ecuador) - La recuperación pospandemia será verde y feminista o no será.
Acento (Dominican Republic) - La recuperación postpandemia será verde y feminista o no será.
Poder 360 (Brazil) - Recuperação pós-pandemia será verde e feminista ou não será.
Nexo (Brazil) - A recuperação da economia será verde ou não será.
8 March 2022 - El País (Spain) - Huelga Feminista para reconocer y reinventar el papel de los cuidados en Latinoamérica. Op-Ed by Valentina Contreras.
8 March 2022 - Red/Acción (Argentina) - Participación ambiental y energética para las mujeres de América Latina. Op-Ed by Alejandra Lozano y Valentina Contreras.
Mexico Social (Mexico) - Mujeres: participación ambiental y energética en America Latina.
8 March 2022 - El Cohete a la Luna (Argentina) - En la Senda de Chile: La recuperación post-pandemia será verde y feminista o no será. Op-Ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
2 March 2022 - City Voice (Nigeria) - New report exposes failure of commercialised healthcare amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria.
Nigerian Tribune (Nigeria) - Report Exposes Failure Of Commercialised Healthcare Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic In Nigeria.
The Nation (Nigeria) - Government urged on improved health services.
The New Diplomat (Nigeria) - How 60% Commercialisation Of Health Services In Nigeria Has Left Out Poorer Citizens — Report.
BoNews (Nigeria) - Privatisation of Healthcare Undermined Nigeria’s Response to COVID-19 outbreak: Report.
ICIR (Nigeria)- Nigeria’s healthcare funding fell by 4.4% in 2018 – CAPPA report.
The Page (Nigeria) - New report exposes the failure of commercialised healthcare amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria and calls for universal public healthcare for all.
The Sun (Nigeria) - Report carpets govt on failure of commercialised healthcare.
The Guardian (Nigeria) - ‘How Nigeria’s commercialised healthcare stalled COVID-19 response’.
11 February 2022 - Infobae América (Latin America) - Cómo una política tributaria regenerativa puede reducir la desigualdad y por qué Chile tiene la oportunidad de llevarla adelante.
31 January 2022 - Radio Universidad de Chile (Chile) - Impulsan propuesta de norma para asegurar servicios públicos universales.
31 January 2022 - El Desconcierto (Chile) - A un día para cierre del plazo: 60 iniciativas populares de norma logran firmas necesarias.
29 January 2022 - El Ciudadano (Chile) - “Servicios públicos para la igualdad de género” (Public services for gender equality). An Op-Ed by Programme Officer Valentina Contreras and Nayareth Quevedo, PSI Secretary for the Southern Cone Subregion.
27 January 2022 - Página 19 (Chile) - Iniciativa Popular: Servicios Públicos Universales y de Calidad y Política Fiscal Justa para la Garantía de Derechos Sociales.
25 January 2022 - El Mostrador (Chile) - “Sin recursos ni servicios públicos no hay derechos": Sindicatos y organizaciones presentan iniciativa popular de norma para garantizar derechos sociales. Along with partners, GI-ESCR launched a popular initiative to include in the Chilean new Constitution the promotion of universal and quality public services and tax justice as mechanisms to guarantee economic, social and cultural rights in practice.
20 January 2022 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Servicios públicos para la igualdad de género: "La Convención tiene la capacidad de transformar las condiciones de vida de las mujeres". An Op-Ed by Programme Officer Valentina Contreras and Nayareth Quevedo, PSI Secretary for the Southern Cone Subregion.
19 January 2022 - Infobae América (Latin America) - Qué artículos se pueden incluir en una constitución para que apunte a garantizar la equidad de género.
17 January 2022 - Le Temps (Switzerland) - La justice fiscale n’est pas une bataille technique. Op-Ed by our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
29 December 2021 - Television: Mexico Social (Mexico)- Iniciativa global por los derechos económicos y culturales. Mario Luis Fuentes interviewed our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona for TV show at Channel ONCE in Mexico.
22 December 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - "Más que juanitas": 26 organizaciones feministas se unen para que la nueva Constitución reduzca la desigualdad de género
13 December 2021 - Desinformémonos (Mexico) - Exige ONU a México y Francia información sobre imposición de proyecto eólico en Oaxaca
December 2021 - 23 media Outlets (Global) An op-ed by our Executive Director Magdalena Sepúlveda on Tax justice as a crucial tool to advance human rights, gained worldwide attention. It is available in English, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese.
Common Dreams (Global) - Tax Justice Is Not a Technical Battle, It Is a Crucial Tool to Advance Human Rights.
The Hindu Business Line (India)- Tax justice is a crucial tool to advance human rights. Op-ed by our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
Social EU (Europe)- Tax justice—a crucial tool to advance human rights.
The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia) - Tax justice not a technical battle but a crucial tool to advance human rights.
Premium Times (Nigeria) - Tax justice: a crucial tool for advancing human rights.
Le Club de Mediapart (France) - La justice fiscale, un outil crucial pour faire progresser les droits humains.
L’Economiste (Tunisia) - La Justice fiscale n’est pas une bataille technique, c’est un outil crucial pour faire pour faire progresser les droits humains.
L’Economiste (Morocco) - Justice fiscale, outil crucial pour faire progresser les droits humains.
Altreconomia (Italy) - La giustizia fiscale non è una battaglia tecnica: è cruciale per far progredire i diritti umani.
La Vanguardia (Spain) - La justicia fiscal.
Twala (Argelia) - La justice fiscale est un outil crucial pour faire progresser les droits humains.
Poder 360 (Brazil) - Justiça tributária é crucial para avanço dos direitos humanos.
El Mostrador (Chile) - Sin justicia fiscal, será imposible avanzar en los derechos humanos.
La Prensa (Chile) - Sin justicia fiscal, será imposible avanzar en los derechos humanos.
Proceso (Mexico) - Justicia fiscal no es una batalla técnica; herramienta crucial para el avance de derechos humanos.
El Universo (Ecuador) - Justicia fiscal, una herramienta crucial para el avance de los derechos humanos.
Acento (Dominican Republic) La justicia fiscal no es una batalla técnica.
Ojo Público (Peru) - Una reforma tributaria para el avance de los derechos.
La Diaria (Uruguay) - La justicia fiscal: una herramienta crucial para el avance de los derechos humanos.
El Cohete a la Luna (Argentina) - Hipocresía y Cinismo.
Gaceta Mercantil (Argentina) - Justicia fiscal: una herramienta clave para promover los derechos humanos.
La Prensa (Panama) - Sin justicia fiscal, será imposible avanzar en los derechos humanos.
El Tiempo (Colombia) - Justicia Fiscal
2 December 2021 - Infobae América (Latam)- Por qué las constituciones más modernas incorporan el derecho a la vivienda digna y al hábitat saludable.
30 November 2021 - Aljazeera (Global)- Rich countries must stop blocking the COVID vaccine patent waiver. Op-ed co-signed by our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
22 November 2021 - Diario Constitucional (Chile) - Se define periodo para presentar iniciativas populares para la Nueva Constitución
14 November 2021 - Open Global Rights (Global) - What Chile can learn from South Africa about social rights. Op-ed signed by Sandy Liebenberg.
8 November 2021 - La Tercera (Chile) - Columna de Meghan Campbell: El derecho constitucional de las mujeres a la igualdad. Op-ed based in one of the chapters included in the book “Social Rights and the Constitutional Moment in Chile”.
2 November 2021 - The Clinic (Chile) - Educación, vivienda y salud: por qué la Nueva Constitución debe profundizar en los derechos de niños y adolescentes
01 November 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Derechos sexuales y reproductivos descentralizados en la Nueva Constitución
27 October 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Organizaciones de la sociedad civil presentan propuestas para incorporar el derecho a la vivienda en la nueva Constitución
26 October 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - La emergencia climática y la urgencia de impuestos globales para el Sur Global (Climate emergency and the pressing need of global taxes for the Global South). Op-ed signed by Rodrigo Echecopar from GI-ESCR and Pedro Cisterna from Nuestra América Verde.
12 October 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - El rol de las mujeres indígenas en el desarrollo social, político y cultural de sus pueblos y en la construcción de un nuevo Chile
7 October 2021 - Le Quotidien (Senegal) - Education – Qualité de l’offre dans l’école élémentaire : La Cosydep dénonce une «privatisation rampante»
6 October 2021 - Seneweb (Senegal) - Primaire, Moyen et Secondaire : 5% des écoles privées ne sont pas autorisées.
5 -October 2021 - Nettail (Senegal) - Ecoles privees - Une étude de la Cosydep liste les carences.
September-October 2021 - Social Rights and the Constitutional Moment (Chile) - The launch of the book edited by GI-ESCR together with the University of Concepción (Chile) and the University of Essex (United Kingdom) was widely disseminated by news outlets in Chile:
27 October 2021 - La Tercera (Chile) - Derechos humanos para la incorporación del cambio climático en la Nueva Constitución. Op-ed written by Pedro Cisterna and Ezio Costa, based on their chapters included in the book “Social Rights and the Constitutional Moment in Chile”.
18 October 2021 - La Tercera (Chile) - Columna de José Aylwin: Pueblos indígenas y nueva Constitución. Op-ed based in one of the chapters included in the book “Social Rights and the Constitutional Moment in Chile”.
15 October 2021 - Television: CNN Chile - TV Interview with GI-ESCR’s Executive Director Magdalena Sepúlveda: En Chile, los derechos sociales “están totalmente desprotegidos”.
12 October 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Derechos sociales y el momento constituyente en Chile.
12 October 2021 - La Tercera (Chile) - Columna de Paulina Astroza y Carlos Maturana: ¿Tiene límites la Convención Constitucional? Op-ed based in one of the chapters included in the book “Social Rights and the Constitutional Moment in Chile”.
7 October 2021 - La Tercera (Chile) - Interview with GI-ESCR’s Executive Director Magdalena Sepúlveda: “Es una caricatura decir que si se consagran ciertos derechos implicaría que cada persona pueda ir y demandar al Estado”
6 October 2021 - Diario Constitucional (Chile) - Libro “Derechos Sociales y el Momento Constituyente en Chile”: Más de 50 expertos y expertas hacen un llamado a la Convención a reconocer los derechos sociales en la nueva Constitución de Chile.
4 October 2021 - Television: TVU (Chile) - Libro gratuito: expertos mundiales abogan por los derechos sociales en la nueva Constitución.
4 October 2021 - Radio: UdeC (Chile) - UdeC participa en la edición del libro “Derechos Sociales y el Momento Constituyente en Chile”.
29 September 2021 - Open Global Rights (Global) - Chile’s constitutional moment is an opportunity to enhance social rights. Op-ed signed by Koldo Casla, director of the Human Rights Centre Clinic, University of Essex.
28 September 2021 - Television: Bio Bío Televisión (Chile) - De descarga gratuita: Más de 50 expertos redactan libro “Derechos Sociales y el Momento Constituyente en Chile”.
27 September 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Las dueñas de casa sin casa: el derecho a la vivienda desde una perspectiva de género.
September 2021 - La Constitución es Nuestra: launch of a digital platform to increase citizen participation in drafting Chile’s new Constitution led by GI-ESCR and partners.
22 September 2021 - La Tercera (Chile) - La Constitución es nuestra. Op-ed signed by Octavio Del Favero, executive director at Ciudadanía Inteligente.
13 September 2021 - El Desconcierto (Chile) - Comisión temática de naturaleza y más: El medio ambiente en la Convención Constitucional
8 September 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - “La Constitución es Nuestra”: lanzan plataforma para que la ciudadanía envíe sus propuestas a la Convención.
08 September 2021 - Television: Channel 13 (Chile) - Crean plataforma para que la ciudadanía haga llegar propuestas a la Convención Constitucional
7 September 2021 - Radio: Cooperativa (Chile) - Plataforma permitirá a ciudadanos enviar sus propuestas a la Convención Constitucional
7 September 2021 - Radio: Súbela (Chile) - La Constitución Es Nuestra: Nueva plataforma para que la ciudadanía envíe sus propuestas a la Convención
6 September 2021 - Publimetro (Chile) - Crean plataforma para que la ciudadanía haga llegar sus propuestas a la Convención Constitucional.
7 September 2021 - Linfodrome (Côte d’Ivoire) - « Marchandisation de l’éducation » : Le Midh dévoile un rapport accablant
7 September 2021 - (Côte d’Ivoire) - Un rapport du MIDH pointe de nombreuses défaillances du système éducatif ivoirien
6 September 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Más que Juanitas. Magdalena Sepúlveda and Valentina Sepúlveda signed this op-ed about the need to apply a gender approach to incorporate economic, social, cultural and environmental rights in Chile’s new Constitution.
20 August 2021 - Le Club de MediaPart (France)- Une leçon de l'Italie : la commercialisation des services de santé peut tuer.
27 July 2021 - Open Global Rights (Global) - A cautionary lesson from Italy: commercializing healthcare can kill. Rossella De Falco and Rosa Pavanelli piece has been published by one of the leading human rights blog in the world, also being chosen as ‘Editors’ pick’. Available in Spanish and Italian as well.
27 July 2021 - Radio: Universidad de Chile (Chile) - Por la vivienda digna y por la ciudad democrática. Op-ed signed by 51 representatives of civil society organisations gathered in the platform Ciudad Constituyente. The articles highlights the Commitment to Dignified Housing launched by GI-ESCR, Techo-Chile, Fundación Vivienda, Urbanismo Social and Asociación Casa Abierta.
16 July 2021 - Open Democracy (Global) - El renacer democrático de Chile está en manos de la ciudadanía. Catalina Balla and Colombina Schaeffer, both from Ciudadanía Inteligente, signed this op-ed that highlights the participatory digital platform “La Constitución es Nuestra”, developed by GI-ESCR, Ciudadanía Inteligente, CONSTI TU+YO and the Friederich Ebert Foundation.
July 2021 - (4 media 0utlets) (Nigeria), awareness and advocacy action led by GI-ESCR and the Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) urging the Nigerian government to remove every obstacle to free and quality public education by supporting the Abidjan Principles. This demand is part of global awareness and advocacy efforts led by GI-ESCR with several other partners for States to support the Abidjan Principles and therefore advance the right to free and quality public education.
15 July 2021 - Infodig (Nigeria) - CAPPA writes FG, demands removal of impediments to free public education |The Guardian Nigeria News
06 July 2021 - The Guardian Nigeria News (Nigeria) - CAPPA writes FG, demands removal of impediments to free public education
06 July 2021 - Vanguard (Nigeria) - CAPPA writes FG, demands removal of encumbrances to free education
05 July 2021 - Nigeria News Flight (Nigeria) - CAPPA demands removal of encumbrances to free public education from Nigerian govt.
02 July 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - La vivienda como un derecho humano en la nueva Constitución. Vicente Silva, GI-ESCR Representative in Chile, contributed to this op-ed explaining how the newly elected Constitutional Convention has a huge challenge: to draft a new constitution that guarantees and represents the demands and aspirations of the citizens, including for the first time the right to adequate housing.
01 July 2021 - Altreconomia (Italy) - Cina-Lombardia: alla ricerca delle origini del virus. Written by Nicoletta Dentico Head of the Health Justice Programme, Society for International Development (SID), this article praises GI-ESCR’s policy brief on Italy’s experience during COVID-19 and the limits of privatisation in healthcare.
June 2021 - 21 media outlets (Global) - Defending public services is defending democracy | Magdalena Sepúlveda and Rosa Pavanelli’s op-ed published around the world in English, Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese. See link for further information and related publications
29 June 2021 - La Libre Belgique (Belgium) - Défendre les services publics, c'est aussi défendre la démocratie
27 June 2021 - Página 12 (Argentina) - En defensa de los servicios públicos
26 June 2021 - Avvenire (Italy) - La pandemia e un rischio. Difesa dei servizi pubblici, difesa della democrazia
25 June 2021 - La Diaria (Uruguay) - Defender los servicios públicos es defender la democracia
24 June 2021 - El País (Spain) - Defender los servicios públicos es defender la democracia
24 June 2021 - Poder 360 (Brazil) - Defender os serviços públicos é defender a democracia, escrevem Rosa Pavanelli e Magdalena Sepúlveda
23 June 2021 - El Universo (Ecuador) - Defender los servicios públicos es defender la democracia
23 June 2021 - Dhaka Tribune (Bangladesh) - Defending public services is defending democracy
23 June - Social Europe - Public services and the common good
22 June 2021 - Namibia Economist (Namibia) - Defending and re-empowering public services is also defending democracy
22 June 2021 - The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia) - Defending and re-empowering public services is also defending democracy
22 June 2021 - Le Temps (Swizerland) - Défendre les services publics, c’est aussi défendre la démocratie
21 June 2021 - The Daily Maverick (Zambia) - Defending and re-empowering public services against privatisation is also defending democracy
21 June 2021 - Radio Enfasis (Chile) - Defender los servicios públicos es defender la democracia
21 June 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Defender los servicios públicos es defender la democracia
21 June 2021 - Proceso (Mexico) - Defender los servicios públicos es defender la democracia
20 June 2021 - Premium Times (Nigeria) - Defending public services is defending democracy, By Rosa Pavanelli & Magdalena Sepúlveda
19 June 2021 - Acento (Dominican Republic) - Defender los servicios públicos es defender la democracia
18 June 2021 - L’Economiste maghrébin (Tunisia) - Défendre les services publics, c’est aussi défendre la démocratie
18 June 2021 - Las 2 Orillas (Colombia) - Defender los servicios públicos es defender la democracia
18 June 2021 - Mediapart (France) - Contre l’extrême droite, défendre et revaloriser nos services publics
11 June 2021 - Il Manifesto (Italia) - Invertire la corsa alla mercificazione della sanita. Rossella De Falco and Rosa Pavanelli's open-editorial makes the headlines of Italian newspaper Il Manifesto on one of the most important lessons from Italy’s experience during the crisis: commercialisation of healthcare can kill.
02 June 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - Crean plataforma de la sociedad civil para incidir en Nueva Constitución y Plan Nacional sobre Derechos Humanos y Empresas. The article mentions that GIESCR joined a network of civil society organisations to promote and ensure that economic actors comply with their human rights obligations.
01 June 2021 - La Tercera (Chile) - Una política fiscal para la garantía de los derechos en la nueva Constitución. Op-ed about the relevance of the Principles for Human Rights in Fiscal Policy for the Chilean Constitutional process. Signed by Vicente Silva, GI-ESCR’s Latin America representative; Octavio del Favero, executive director of Ciudadanía Inteligente; and Sergio Chaparro, programme officer at the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR).
31 May 2021 - Qué Pasa (Chile) - Marcos Orellana, relator de la ONU sobre productos tóxicos: “La tragedia sufrida en Arica revela que el mero reconocimiento constitucional del derecho a vivir en un ambiente sano no es garantía suficiente”. Interview of Marcos Orellana, UN Special Rapport on toxics and human rights and GI-ESCR board member. This interview was prepared by GI-ESCR Officers in Chile, Valentina Contreras and Vicente Silva.
30 May 2021 - El Mostrador (Chile) - 20 mil toneladas de desechos tóxicos en Arica: el crimen ambiental del que Suecia ni Chile se hace cargo. Op-ed by Marcos Orellana, UN Special Rapport on toxics and human rights and GI-ESCR board member.
28 May 2021 - Mexico Social (Mexico) - ¡Paremos ya la pobreza menstrual! . Op-ed by GI-ESCR’s Executive Director, Magdalena Sepúlveda and Catarina Albuquerque, Chief Executive Officer, Sanitation and Water for All. On the occasion of the International Menstrual Hygiene Day.
28 May 2021 - The Daily Beast (USA) - Women’s Equality Starts With Ending the Tampon Tax - Op-ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda. On the occasion of the International Menstrual Hygiene Day, GI-ESCR’s Executive Director Magdalena Sepúlveda and Catarina Albuquerque sign a vibrant op-ed about "menstrual poverty" . See related news on our website: Women’s Equality Starts With Ending the Tampon Tax.
07 April 2021 - Les Nouvelles News (France) - Quand les riches contribuent à payer la production de bien-être - The article, written by Rebecca Wolozinsky explains how, in several countries (but not in France) the taxation of the richest is increased in order to better pay the poorest, who are often women, assigned to care for others. The author draws on Magdalena Sepúlveda’s reference to a fiscal pact.
29 March 2021 - TerraFemina (France) - Pourquoi les féministes américaines se battent pour "taxer les riches" - The article, by Clément Arbrun, refers to the fiscal pact Magdalena Sepúlveda has made extensive reference to as a key solution to the current economic and social crises.
21 March 2021 - El Economista (Mexico) - Gravar a multinacionales y súper ricos, necesario para la recuperación económica - Interview of Magdalena Sepúlveda suggesting a global minimum tax rate to fight multinationals’ tax avoidance, which would help cope with the economic and social crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
March 2021 - 22 media outlets (Global) - Taxing the richest for more inclusive and feminist societies - In this opinion piece, published in more than twenty major media outlets around the world and available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian, our Executive Director Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona recalls the horrendous impact of the pandemic on women and girls, and the critical need to invest in public services to ensure gender equality. See the link for more information.
Available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian.
23 March 2021 - Le Temps (Suisse) - Taxer les plus riches pour des sociétés plus solidaires et féministes
19 March 2021 - Expansão (Angola) - Tributar os ricos para uma sociedade mais solidaria - e feminista
16 March 2021 - Ojo Público (Peru) - Una sociedad solidaria y feminista necesita una reforma fiscal justa
15 March - The Standard (Kenya) - Why wealth people, firms should pay more taxes
14 March 2021 - Página 12 (Argentina) - El coronavirus castiga mucho más a las mujeres
11 March 2021 - Le Soir (Belgique) - Carte blanche: Taxer les plus riches pour des sociétés plus solidaires – et féministes
11 March 2021 - The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia) - Do you want a more caring - and feminist - society? Tax better!
11 March 2021 - Namibia Economist (Namibia) - Do you want a more caring - and feminist - society? Tax better!
10 March 2021 - In Genere (Italy) - Tasse più alte per i maschi più ricchi
10 March 2021 - L’Economiste maghrébin (Tunisia) - Taxer les plus riches pour des sociétés plus solidaires et féministes
10 March 2021 - Animal Político (Mexico) - Para una sociedad solidaria y feminista, que paguen los más ricos
10 March 2021 - Las 2 Orillas (Colombia) - Para una sociedad solidaria y feminista, que paguen los más ricos
09 March 2021 - Acento (Dominican Republic) - Para una sociedad solidaria y feminista, que paguen los más ricos
09 March 2021 - L’Economiste (Maroc) - Taxer les plus riches pour des sociétés plus solidaires - et féministes
08 March 2021 - Business Live (South Africa) - How to create a more caring — and feminist — society - The pandemic must mark a turning point in the taxation of the richest individuals
08 March 2021 - Poder 360 (Brasil) - Tributar os ricos para uma sociedade mais solidária -e feminista
08 March 2021 - Common Dreams (USA) - Do You Want a More Caring—and Feminist Society? Tax Better!
08 March 2021 - Social Europe (EU) - Taxing better to create more caring- and feminist - societies
08 March 2021 - O Jornal Económico (Portugal) - A recuperação económica não pode deixar as mulheres para trás
07 March 2021 - EL País (Spain) - Impuestos a los ricos para una sociedad más solidaria y feminista
04 March 2021 - Mediapart (France) - Taxer les plus riches pour des sociétés plus solidaires - et féministes
01 March 2021 - México Social (Mexico) - Energías renovables: ¿transición justa para las mujeres? - op-ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona and Alejandra Lozano Rubello.
February 2021 - 4 media outlets (Global) - End financial abuse to save people and the planet | Magdalena Sepúlveda on behalf of the FACTI Panel
26 February 2021 - Television: CNN (USA) - Panel de la ONU pide a países frenar la corrupción para afrontar crisis por coronavirus - TV interview of Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
25 February 2021 - Las 2 orillas (Colombia) - Así reaccionaron los miembros del ICRICT a la presentación del informe del grupo FACTI
25 February 2021 - Swiss Info (Switzerland) - Expertos de la ONU proponen medidas contra el fraude y la ingeniería fiscal (SWI is the international unit of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC)).
25 February 2021- EFE (Spain) | Expertos de la ONU proponen medidas contra el fraude y la ingeniería fiscal (La EFE es la primera agencia de noticias en español del mundo y la cuarta del mundo).
21 January 2021 - CEO Report on health care mentions the op-ed published in October 2020 by The Guardian and signed by six UN experts and Special Rapporteurs. See report When the market becomes deadly - Privatisation and the Pandemic - How pressures towards privatisation of health and long-term care put Europe on a poor footing for a pandemic, p.22.
08 December 2020 – Cridem (Mauritania) | Marchandisation de l’éducation en Mauritanie (article by Norrag 01 Dec 2020)
01 December 2020 – Norrag | Commercialisation of Education in Mauritania (EN and FR)
29 November 2020 – El Mercurio (Chile) | Informe de Summa y la Iniciativa Global por los Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales - El aporte de la experiencia internacional a las políticas educativas en la nueva constitución
25 November 2020 - The New Humanitarian | Community aid and growing needs in Chile - interview of Magdalena Sepúlveda, by Sandra Cuffe
23 November 2020 – Soy Chile (Chile) | Experto explica cómo las potencias incorporaron la calidad de la enseñanza en sus constituciones
October 2020 - 15 media outlets (Global)- | 'Enough is enough': UN Experts' open editorial sparks worldwide media interest. Ahead of our ‘Enough is enough’ joint event on the impacts of privatisation on public services related to economic, social and cultural rights, five current and former UN Special Rapporteurs and a UN Independent Expert, including our Executive Director Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona, Former UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, signed an open editorial, for which GI-ESCR managed to spark worldwide media interest.
02 October 2020 - Domradio (Germany) | Hilfswerke beklagen Verstöße gegen das Recht auf Wohnen Prekäre Wohnbedingungen und Vertreibungen (Aid agencies complain about violations of the right to housing - Precarious housing conditions and displacement )
October 2020 - 3 media outlets (Global) | Magdalena Sepúlveda’s open editorial: Chile’s referendum: Towards guaranteeing dignity
August 2020 - 12 media outlets (Global) | Magdalena Sepúlveda’s open editorial: Women and Girls should not pay the bill of the pandemic. In her op-ed, relayed by 12 media worldwide, Magdalena Sepúlveda describes how women have been again the first victims of the social and economic crisis caused by the pandemic, as well as the possible way out for a fairer and sustainable future.
21 July 2020 - DowntoEarth (India) | Floods cost India Rs 4.7 lakh crore in last 6 decades
16 July 2020 - DowntoEarth (India) | COVID-19, climate change, inequality: Centering rights and environmental protection
13 July 2020 - El País (Spain) | GI-ESCR’s Magdalena Sepúlveda discusses the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls
11 May 2020 - The African Report (Regional) | IFC to freeze investment to for-profit education: small win in a long fight
11 April 2020 - The Guardian (UK) | Stop spending millions on for-profit schools abroad, campaigners tell UK
March 2020 - 16 media outlets (Global) | Be a feminist, demand that the multinationals pay their taxes!
December 2019 - 12 media outlets (Global)- | Beirut and Santiago in the Streets: Why Multinationals Should Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes
28 October 2019 - Devex | Watchdog to investigate IFC support for Bridge private schools in Kenya
07 May 2019 - Mondafrique | Mauritanie, on privatise les écoles, les amis d’Aziz s’enrichissent
13 February 2019 - Open Global Rights | UN Human Rights Committee brings new vitality to the right to life
05 January 2019 - Mediaterre | Rapport sur la Privatisation et Marchandisation de l'Education en Mauritanie