GI-ESCR's contribution to the Human Rigthts Council resolutions adopted at its 51st Session

As the 51st Session of the Human Rights Council has come to an end GI-ESCR brings a summary of the resolutions we have contributed to.

Resolution on Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples

The resolution focusing on activities to further strengthen the rights of Indigenous Peoples presented by Mexico and Guatemala was adopted by a consensus. Thanks to GI-ESCR’s engagement the mention of public services has been included in the text.

Resolution on Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples: mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples

The resolution also tabled by Mexico and Guatemala extending the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by consensus. GI-ESCR has actively been involved in the consultation process of the resolution.

Resolution on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation

Germany together with Spain presented a thematic resolution on the rights to safe drinking water and sanitation. GI-ESCR collaborated with WASH United in order to bring constructive suggestions during the informal negotiation process.

Resolution on National Human Rights Institutions

This important initiative presented by Australia aiming to strengthen the role played by National Human Rights Institutions in the context of climate change was adopted by consensus. GI-ESCR closely followed the informal meetings, as the topic of climate change’s impact on the enjoyment of human rights is one of the key areas of our work.

Technical assistance and capacity-building to address the human rights implications of the nuclear legacy in the Marshall Islands

The new resolution presented by the core group consisted of Fiji, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Samoa and Vanuatu with the goal of highlighting the impacts of nuclear weapon testing on the human rights of the people of Marshall Islands was adopted without a vote. GI-ESCR has worked on including language around the recently acknowledged right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment which GI-ESCR continuously advocated for in the past.