GI-ESCR's active participation at the 51st Session of the Human Rights Council
GI-ESCR at the Human Rights Council
GI-ESCR actively participates in the Human Right Council’s sessions in Geneva in various ways. Together with other civil society actors we organize side events, share our recommendations on new resolutions and deliver statements with the goal to ensure that human rights frameworks and institutions are capable of effectively responding to current economic, social and cultural rights injustices.
Human Rights Council as a part of the United Nations system is an intergovernmental body made up of 47 states responsible for promoting and protecting all human rights. Its main purpose is to provide a platform for the international community and other stakeholders to meet and discuss human rights-related issues. The Council itself has created a number of subsidiary bodies and mandates to help analyze the issues from a closer perspective.
GI-ESCR continuously works to bring the Council’s attention to topics such as the newly recognized Right to a healthy environment, Right to safe drinking water as a public good or gender-related issues in the context of climate change.
GI-ESCR at the 51st HRC Session
This year’s September session GI-ESCR will highlight key issues regarding the right to safe drinking water and sanitation, human rights of indigenous people, right to work in the context of just transition and more.
GI-ESCR is actively participating in the negotiation process of the Resolution on National Human Rights Institutions & Climate Change, Resolution on the Human Rights of Indigenous People and Resolution renewing the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Water and sanitation.
In addition to that, GI-ESCR will also follow the Resolution on Nuclear Test Sites, the Resolution on UPR voluntary funds as well as the Resolution on Human Rights Education.
GI-ESCR delivered statements in the following events:
Interactive dialogue on the Report of the High Commissioner on Promoting and protecting economic, social and cultural rights within the context of addressing inequalities in the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Water and Sanitation.
Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Indigenous People. We highlighted how the post pandemic recovery plans' impacts on ndigenous Peoples.
Side events
Realising the Right to #Education Worldwide Through Digital Transformation: Our Executive Director, Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona participated in this side event organised by the African Union and the Europan Union, that focused on the realization of the right to education, ensuring access to quality and inclusive education worldwide.
For this Session GI-ESCR held a side event on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Just Transition, in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of Chile to the UN in Geneva. The event took place on 3 October 2022.
GI-ESCR’s goal is to achieve further enhancement of economic, social and cultural rights. We plan on participating in the Human Rights Council’s future sessions as well as other United Nations international bodies for the purpose of raising awareness about important topics.