GI-ESCR's oral statement on the post pandemic recovery plans' impacts on Indigenous Peoples at HRC51

GI-ESCR actively participated in the Annual half-day panel discussion on the rights of indigenous peoples. This year the panel covered the Impact of social and economic recovery plans in the COVID-19 context on indigenous peoples, with a special focus on food security.

In its statement, GI-ESCR called on States to address current intersecting crises with a human rights-based approach guided by the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

GI-ESCR also urged States to engage in a meaningful, participatory and inclusive dialogue with Indigenous Peoples as well as address the long-term needs and financial impact of the pandemic on Indigenous Peoples with a special attention to public services.

Finally, GI-ESCR recommended the CEDAW’s soon to be published General Recommendation as a useful guiding tool to ensure Indigenous Peoples participation in the policy and decision making.