New research commissioned by the Government of Liberia confirms Bridge International Academies are failing Articles / op-eds / press releases, PublicationGuest User7 September 2017Private actors & public services
New publication on the impacts of privatisation on girls' right to education PublicationGuest User3 July 2017Private actors & public services
CESCR: Climate Change rises to violation of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights PublicationGuest User28 June 2017Australia, Climate change & human rights
States must ensure that businesses abide by human rights throughout their operations, including abroad Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User26 June 2017Extraterritorial obligations (ETOs)
New publication - Progressive Lab for Sustainable Development: From vision to action Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User20 June 2017Private actors & public services
GI-ESCR statement: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing Event, PublicationGuest User2 March 2017Right to adequate housing
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at 50: The Significance from a Women's Rights Perspective PublicationGuest User8 February 2017Women's ESC rights
Human rights analysis of new data on Bridge International Academies PublicationGuest User7 December 2016Private actors & public services
GI-ESCR Statement to Human Rights Council of Human Rights to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene PublicationGuest User13 September 2016Strengthening human rights frameworks, Women's ESC rights
UN Report: "Homelessness is a human rights crisis that demands an urgent global response" PublicationGuest User15 February 2016Right to adequate housing
Honduras: Oppression against economic, social and cultural rights defenders must end Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User17 September 2015Honduras
Angola: Law should not be an instrument to stifle economic, social and cultural rights defenders Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User17 September 2015Angola, Strengthening human rights frameworks
Land Rights: An Essential Global Indicator for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User2 September 2015Women's ESC rights
Advocacy Update on Rights to Housing, Land and Productive Resources and Other Emerging Issues Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User18 August 2015Right to adequate housing, Women's ESC rights
Human Rights Committee addresses ETOs and Indivisibility with ESC Rights Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User14 July 2015Extraterritorial obligations (ETOs)
UN human rights experts make ground-breaking statements on privatisation of education in Ghana, Chile and Uganda Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User24 June 2015Ghana, Chile, Private actors & public services
Committee on ESC Rights Highlights Women's Land Rights Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User23 June 2015Women's ESC rights
Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights statement on extreme poverty and human rights PublicationGuest User22 June 2015Strengthening human rights frameworks
Canada's extra-territorial human rights obligations to be scrutinized under both human rights Covenants Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User31 March 2015Canada, Extraterritorial obligations (ETOs)
Greece : Report unveils human rights violations stemming from austerity policy Update from Geneva, PublicationGuest User18 December 2014Greece, Strengthening human rights frameworks