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Submission on the Indian Draft National Education Policy 2019

The Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) recently provided technical advice on India’s Draft National Education Policy 2019. Drawing on the Abidjan Principles on the right to education, a brief was submitted to the Committee for the Draft National Education Policy.

While appreciating the State’s commitment to maintain a firm stand against commercial education providers and prioritising public education, concerns were flagged with the government’s move to effectively deregulate private education providers. The draft policy would see the introduction of a system of self-regulation for private schools, leaving the primary oversight role to parents.

The submission addresses the obligation of the State to monitor and enforce compliance with minimum education standards, drawing from the Abidjan Overarching Principle 8 and Guiding Principles 81 and 84.  It also highlights the limitations of relying on information disclosure and self-declaration as means of regulation and accountability.

The brief recommends that the Committee for the Draft National Education Policy reconsider reasonable measures to ensure the Government of India meets its obligations to regulate education providers. The submission also recommends that the Abidjan Principles be used as a reference tool for the Committee to draw detailed guidance in their review of the education policy.

Read the full submission here.