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New Blog: GI-ESCR’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – Impacts and alternatives from Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Changing Times

GI-ESCR encourages informed debate on how to address the #Covid_19 pandemic from an economic, social and cultural rights perspective, and what lessons can be learned for the future.

The immediate emergency response to the situation and the possible alternative social and economic structures must be guided by a human rights framework.

Last month GI-ESCR put out a call for thought provoking pieces from human rights advocates, practitioners, policy-makers and academics from around the world, to share views and research on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the enjoyment of ESC rights and the importance of strong ESC rights protection and realisation in responding to and preventing further crises.

The first blog is now available, a contribution from Alicia Ely Yamin on ‘Truths and Lies about this Pandemic: What are the lessons for health rights and social justice?’. In this piece, Ms Yamin examines how the pandemic has illustrated the need to reimagine our economies and societies, and global governance.

Read her full blog post here.

Interested in submitting a piece? Visit, for details on how to submit a piece for consideration.