TB-Net Statement on the COVID-19 pandemic and the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies

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After the cancellation of all UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies sessions until at least the end of May, civil society is calling on the Treaty Bodies to continue their important work as soon as possible and ensure the meaningful engagement of civil society.  

A Joint Statement issued today by the Global Initiative for Economic Social and Cultural Rights, together with TB-Net (NGO Network on UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies is an informal group of international NGOs and networks who work closely with the UNTBs and have specialised expertise on their procedures and substantive work), highlights that, as States put in place measures to control the covid-19 pandemic, the role of the human rights treaty bodies in monitoring the limitations on human rights and the consequences for the population, particularly disadvantaged groups, is more important than ever.

TB-Net encourages the Treaty Bodies to look for new ways to continue with their work despite the extensive travel restrictions, including increasing their capacity for virtual meetings. TB-Net underlines the need for solutions that are inclusive and accessible for civil society partners and address security and privacy issues that might arise with virtual interactions.