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GI-ESCR participates in CEPAL/ECLAC international seminar on social cohesion and protection with a focus on Chile’s new constitution

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Magdalena Sepúlveda, Executive Director of GI-ESCR, will participate in the international seminar of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) on "Social cohesion, welfare guarantees and social protection: keys to post-pandemic reconstruction with equality in Latin America" on 24 and 25 November, and notably as a speaker on Panel 4 of Wednesday 25, "Social rights and a new constitution: the importance of institutions".

In the framework of the CEPAL-AECID project "Analysis of social inclusion and cohesion in Latin America and the Caribbean in the light of the social pillar of the Agenda 2030", this virtual seminar, co-organised with UNDP Chile, seeks to generate a regional reflection on the role of social protection and social guarantees of well-being in the achievement of growing levels of social cohesion that will allow reconstruction with equality. It will include a component dedicated to the case of Chile, with the aim of reflecting on a new social pact, including the constitutional debate, with a central focus on the role of social protection systems.

Follow us on Twitter: @GIESCR_LatAm (in Spanish) and @GIESCR (in English).

More information, programme and link to register here on CEPAL’s website

Open-participation event.

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Thumbnail image: courtesy of @BAVECK.