GI-ESCR joins COSYDEP during a webinar presenting the report on privatisation and commercialisation of education in Senegal

On 21 July 2022, GI-ESCR participated in a webinar organised by its partner Coalition des Organisations en SYnergie pour la Defense de l’Education Publique (COSYDEP) which gathered 15 in-person participants and 69 online participants including UNESCO, ActionAid, the Senegal High Council for Social Dialogue, ANCEFA and many more francophone civil society organisations.   

The aim of the webinar was to present the findings and recommendations of the report on the privatisation and commercialisation of education in Senegal launched in 2021 that GI-ESCR supported as well as the advocacy plan by COSYDEP. 

COSYDEP highlighted the fact that this report contributes to enriching the literature on the topic of privatisation in education, hence bridging data and knowledge gap on this issue in the francophone space. 

During the event, GI-ESCR and ActionAid shared their approaches in addressing the privatisation and commercialisation of education. 

Mouvement Ivoirien des Droits Humains (MIDH), that conducted a similar research project in Côte d’Ivoire with GI-ESCR’s support, attended the webinar. Its representatives shared their experience, especially on how their report addressed the issue of e-learning services provided by private actors during the COVID-19 pandemic, and its impact on the right to education. 

Very fruitful engagements among participants unfolded and the main takeaways that transpired from the event are for CSOs to learn from each other, join forces, fight for quality public education and combat commercialisation of education together.