GI-ESCR co-organised a parallel event at the CSW66 NGO Forum

GI-ESCR organized a parallel event at the CSW66 NGO Forum named "Achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment: towards a gender just energy transition" on 17 March 2022, in collaboration with ActionAid, AIDA, Public Services International, Soka Gakkai International, and Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development.

This event convened a group of civil society organizations and experts to explore how a feminist transition to renewable energy can advance an alternative development model to ensure a gender-just and rights-aligned transition to a low carbon world. This poses several questions: How could we make sure that movements pushing for climate action and a just transition incorporate a transformative agenda that considers women’s needs, experiences, and concerns? How can the human rights framework help guide and inform the transition to low carbon societies? How can the energy transition be used as an opportunity to advance a feminist and low carbon future?