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Engagement with International Human Rights Mechanisms: Opportunities to advance gender equality in Chile

Corporación de Desarrollo de la Mujer La Morada, a long-standing feminist organization in Chile, convened a series of capacity-building workshops on civil society action and human rights for women and feminist organizations working to advance women’s rights in different regions of the country.

Our Program Officer on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, Alejandra Lozano Rubello gave the workshop on the engagement of civil society with international human rights mechanism as a mean to advance the feminist agenda. The workshop was attended by 18 activists and feminist advocates accross the country and was moderated by Verónica Matus, Vicepresident of Corporación de Desarrollo de la Mujer La Morada and President del Directorio de la Asociación Chilena de Organismos No Gubernamentales ACCIÓN.

During the workshop Alejandra Lozano highlighted the opportunities that civil society organizations have to participate in international human rights organizations to amplify the voices of women and leverage international fora to catalyse change for the realization of women’s rights at the domestic level. The workshop allowed for participants to break into different groups to discuss key issues and hold an exchange of experiences and strategies to better understand the challenges and opportunities that the international human rights system can provide to articulate and strengthen feminist movements.