GI-ESCR and Eurodad co-organise a stategy meeting on human rights and public services

On 16 June 2020, GI-ESCR and Eurodad organised as part of Eurodad's annual policy forum a workshop with civil society to discuss strategies to support strong rights-compliant public services in post COVID-19 times. Over 40 civil representatives of civil society organisations from around the world attended the event, which was an occasion to discuss the impact of the pandemic on the rights to education, health, water and sanitation, and other economic, social and cultural rights, as well as to discuss opportunities to demand stronger services to deliver on those rights in the post-crisis reconstruction phase.

The session, titled "Covid-19 and the right to public services: Addressing ecological and inequality emergencies in a post-Covid world through collective strategies", took the form of an interactive brainstorm. Several strategies and ideas to take this agenda forwrard in the coming months emerged, which GI-ESCR will continue actively developing with other partners.
