Kenya: CESCR, Concluding observations, E/C.12/KEN/CO/2-5, paras. 57-58, 4 March 2016

Kenya: CESCR, Concluding observations, E/C.12/KEN/CO/2-5, paras. 57-58, 4 March 2016

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CESCR Concluding observations
paras. 57-58
4 March 2016

57. The Committee is concerned that the State party has not dedicated sufficient resources to finance school facilities and qualified teachers, to ensure effective enjoyment of the right to free primary education for all. It is also concerned that inadequacies in the public schooling system have led to the proliferation of so-called “low-cost private schools” which has led to segregation or discriminatory access to education particularly for disadvantaged and marginalized children, including children living in informal settlements and arid and semi-arid areas (arts. 13 and 14).

58. Recalling that the State has the primary responsibility in ensuring to right to education, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to strengthen its public education sector. The State party should increase the budgetary allocation to primary education and take all necessary measures to improve the access to and quality of primary education for all without hidden costs, particularly for children living in informal settlements and arid and semi-arid areas. It also recommends that the State party bring the Registration Guidelines for Alternative Provision of Basic Education and Training in line with Articles 13 and 14 of the Covenant and other relevant international standards; that it ensure that all schools, public, private, formal or non-formal, are registered; and that it monitor their compliance with the guidelines.