France: CESCR, Concluding observations, E/C.12/FRA/CO/4, paras. 7 – 8 and 11 , 24 June 2016

France: CESCR, Concluding observations, E/C.12/FRA/CO/4, paras. 7 – 8 and 11 , 24 June 2016

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CESCR Concluding observations
paras. 7– 8 and 11
24 June 2016

7. The Committee finds it regrettable that the level of official development assistance provided by the State party falls short of the internationally agreed target of 0.7 per cent of gross national product (GNP). It notes with concern that the due diligence requirements in the sphere of operations involving the State party’s provision of development assistance, such as those relating to sustainable development and to the mitigation of environmental and social risks, do not provide full protection for the rights enshrined in the Covenant (art. 2 (1)).

8. The Committee recommends that the State party redouble its efforts to raise the amount of development assistance which it provides to the internationally agreed level of 0.7 per cent of GNP. It also recommends that the State party develop robust methodological tools for analysing the impact that operations funded by development agencies have on the enjoyment of Covenant rights. In addition, it recommends that the State party include the Covenant in the compliance assessment framework for those agencies.

11. The Committee also urges the State party to take all possible steps to ensure that the decisions and policies adopted by the international organizations of which it is a member are in line with its obligations under the Covenant.