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Webinar #1 'Social rights and the constitutional process in Chile: obstacles and challenges'

Yesterday, the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Ahora nos Toca Participar, Contexto and Fundación Avina started their first webinar on "Social Rights and the constitutional process in Chile: Obstacles and challenges".

This first webinar had the participation of three expert panelists at the national and international level and dozen people and communities who connected to the seminar across the country contributing with their reflections in order to collectively dream with a new social pact, based on human rights, gender equality and environmental protection for the next decades and future generations. The speakers addressed several issues around the current constitutional debate on ESCR in Chile and beyond, including issues of justiciability, the role of courts, citizens’ participation, gender discrimination, and the interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights. As Magdalena Sepúlveda made it clear:

“The constitutional recognition of classical freedoms without the real incorporation of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights does not allow a dignified and autonomous life for all citizens, especially for those living in poverty”


  • Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona: Executive Director of the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Former UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty,

  • Rodrigo Uprimy Yepes: Member of the International Commission of Jurists and the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2015-2022). He has also served as a Consultant for the United Nations Development Programme on subjects of violence, citizen participation, conflict resolution, and justice. 

  • Domingo Lovera Parmo: PhD Osgode Hall Law School, LLM Columbia University. Professor of constitutional law at Diego Portales University.


·         Rayén Araya Guerrero: journalist and presenter

You can check the webinar on our youtube chanel HERE.