Upcoming Online Event: The Abidjan Principles - a practical tool to address global challenges

On 16 April join online, as part of the #vCIES virtual conference, for a panel session on the use of Abidjan Principles on the right to education as a practical tool to address global challenges.

WHEN:16 April 2020 11:30 EST
WHERE: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/228181157

The Chair of the panel session will be Prof Frank Adamson, Sacramento University, with discussant, Hugues Moussy, UNESCO-IIEP.

The session will include presentations on:

  • The Abidjan Principles: from a unique drafting and adoption process to quick recognition and implementation presented by Sylvain Aubry, Ashina Mtsumi, Magdalena Sepúlveda from GI-ESCR, Salima Namusobya from the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights and Delphine Dorsi from the Right to Education Initiative.

  • Advocacy at the Local in Implementation of Abidjan Principle; the Civil Society Efforts in Nepal presented by Ram Gaire, Program Manager National Campaign for Education Nepal

  • The development of a Francophone research network on the privatization and commercialization of education: research plans and perspective presented by Thibaut Lauwerier, University of Geneva

  • Civil society data gathering in Canada presented by Eloise Tan, People for Education

  • What do the Abidjan Principles tell us about the education landscape in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda? presented by Asmara Figue and Dr. Maria Ron Balsera from ActionAid, and Prof. Elaine Unterhalter, UCL

Follow @GIESCR and #AbidjanPrinciples for more details.