COP1 of the Escazú Agreement Parallel Event : Towards a green, just and feminist transition in Latin America

Member States in the Latin American and Caribbean region convened at the first Conference of the Parties (COP1) of the Escazú Agreement from 20-22 April 2022 in Santiago, Chile. This marks an important momentum in the region to set the way forward in the implementation of one of the most important international legal instruments that bridge international human rights with the protection of the environment. The Escazú Agreement recognizes the rights to access to information, public participation, and justice in environmental matters—all fundamental procedural rights to ensure people, communities, and groups can shape new development pathways towards just and sustainable societies.

The event encouraged an interactive and engaging dialogue between panelists and the public to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the legal framework established by the Escazú Agreement to promote a transition that prioritises the needs of disadvantaged populations, advances gender equality and strengthens environmental democracy in the region.

*The event was held in Spanish