Message from our ED on International Human Rights Day
An op-ed by our Executive Director Magdalena Sepúlveda on Tax justice as a crucial tool to advance human rights, gained worldwide attention. On Human Rights Day, the world looks a lot different through a lens of social and economic rights.
“Tax avoidance and evasion by most multinationals and the richest—and its tolerance—deprives states of additional resources, representing a direct attack on human rights. Without these funds, it is impossible to restore the health services which have fought heroically against the virus—thousands of doctors and nurses have lost their lives—with meagre resources constantly under attack from austerity programmes.”
Available in English, Spanish, French and Italian.
Common Dreams (Global) - Tax Justice Is Not a Technical Battle, It Is a Crucial Tool to Advance Human Rights.
The Hindu Business Line (India)- Tax justice is a crucial tool to advance human rights. Op-ed by our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
Social EU (Europe)- Tax justice—a crucial tool to advance human rights.
The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia) - Tax justice not a technical battle but a crucial tool to advance human rights.
Premium Times (Nigeria) - Tax justice: a crucial tool for advancing human rights.
Le Club de Mediapart (France) - La justice fiscale, un outil crucial pour faire progresser les droits humains.
L’Economiste (Tunisia) - La Justice fiscale n’est pas une bataille technique, c’est un outil crucial pour faire pour faire progresser les droits humains.
L’Economiste (Morocco) - Justice fiscale, outil crucial pour faire progresser les droits humains.
Altreconomia (Italy) - La giustizia fiscale non è una battaglia tecnica: è cruciale per far progredire i diritti umani.
Twala (Argelia) - La justice fiscale est un outil crucial pour faire progresser les droits humains.
Poder 360 (Brazil) - Justiça tributária é crucial para avanço dos direitos humanos.
El Mostrador (Chile) - Sin justicia fiscal, será imposible avanzar en los derechos humanos.
La Prensa (Chile) - Sin justicia fiscal, será imposible avanzar en los derechos humanos.
El Tiempo (Colombia) - La justicia fiscal.
Proceso (Mexico) - Justicia fiscal no es una batalla técnica; herramienta crucial para el avance de derechos humanos.
El Universo (Ecuador) - Justicia fiscal, una herramienta crucial para el avance de los derechos humanos.
Acento (Dominican Republic) La justicia fiscal no es una batalla técnica.
Ojo Público (Peru) - Una reforma tributaria para el avance de los derechos.
La Diaria (Uruguay) - La justicia fiscal: una herramienta crucial para el avance de los derechos humanos.
El Cohete a la Luna (Argentina) - Hipocresía y Cinismo.
Gaceta Mercantil (Argentina) - Justicia fiscal: una herramienta clave para promover los derechos humanos.
La Prensa (Panama) - Sin justicia fiscal, será imposible avanzar en los derechos humanos.