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Ivory Coast: GI-ESCR presents Abidjan Principles to Members of Parliament and Ministry of Education

Yesterday, GI-ESCR addressed Members of Parliament and Ministry of Education personnel of Ivory Coast to present them the Abidjan Principles on the human rights obligations of States to provide public education and to regulate private involvement in education, as part of a workshop organised by the Réseau Ivoirien pour la Promotion de l’Education Pour Tous (RIP-EPT).

Members of Parliament and Ministry of Education play a key role in ensuring that education policies comply with human rights standards, including the right to education.

The workshop aimed at discussing the use of the Abidjan Principles in policy design, as well as to examine the review of the country’s Education Sector Plan 2016-2025 [Plan Sectoriel Education (PSE) 2016-2025] in light of the Abidjan Principles that was conducted by Dr Goin Bi.

The event, gathering 15 MPs and 15 Central Administration staff members of the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Education et Professional training, is part of a series of activities conducted by the RIP-EPT to encourage the implementation of the Abidjan Principles, a ground-breaking text adopted in 2019, which lays out the legal standards on the right to education.

Read more information on the Abidjan Principles and follow #PrincipesdAbidjan