Human Rights Council Side Event: Impact of Climate Change on the Rights of the Child

The Geneva Climate Change Consultation Group (GeCCco) and further NGOs concerned about the impact of climate change on human rights cordially invite you to a side event to the 35th session of the HRC

Impact of Climate Change on the Rights of the Child

14 June 2017, 13:30 - 15:00, Palais des Nation, Room XXV

Children are disproportionately impacted by climate change due to their unique metabolism, physiology and developmental needs says the Analytical Study of the OHCHR on climate change and the rights of the child (A/HRC/35/13). To protect these rights, the OHCHR study concludes that climate policies and data collection must integrate children rights considerations and that states must ensure that children are effectively empowered to contribute to climate policy and action.

The negative impacts of climate change, including through climate-related natural disasters, food and water shortages, and the increased transmission of communicable diseases, threaten the enjoyment by children of their rights to health, life, food, water and sanitation, education, housing, culture, and development, among others. Climate change heightens existing social and economic inequalities, intensifies poverty and reverses progress towards improvement in children’s well being, with girls, indigenous children, children with disabilities and children on the move being most at risk. Urgent, rights-base climate action aimed at stemming temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels will prevent children from experiencing greater if not unimaginable suffering.

The study highlights that states must ensure that children rights considerations are integrated in climate mitigation and adaptation policies and that states respect and promote the right of children to participation, education on climate related issues and access to judicial remedies.

This OHCHR Analytical Study presented at this session of the HRC, was requested by resolution 32/33, adopted in 2016. The aim of this side event is to take stock of what has been accomplished during this year on the impact of climate change on the rights of the child and to exchange views on next steps.


  • Core Group on the Resolution on human rights and climate change (Republic of the Philippines / Bangladesh / Vietnam) (tbc)

  • Benjamin Schachter, Human Rights Officer (climate change focal point), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

  • Marilena Viviani, Director, Geneva Liaison Office

  • Sebastien Duick, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

  • Yves Lador, Earthjustice