GI-ESCR and partners’ online platform for citizens’ participation in the constitution process shows massive interest from social organisations
This 08 July 2021, the launch of the digital platform The Constitution is Ours conceived and promoted by GI-ESCR and its partners proved to be a great success, bringing together over 100 representatives of social organisations working on issues such as education, housing, gender, environment, among others. Promoted by GI-ESCR, Fundación Ciudadanía Inteligente, CONSTITU+YO, and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), the platform aims to promote the effective participation and influence of citizens in the work of the Constitutional Convention from August 2021.
The success of this launch event shows how much interest the platform generates and how it responds to a real need for effective participation in the work of the Constitution.
The Constitution is Ours will give visibility to and articulate citizens' proposals on social rights and democratic strengthening, connecting them with the work of the Constitutional Convention members.
In addition, the site will offer all relevant information on the Constitution, the Constituent Process, the Constitutional Convention and its mechanisms for citizen participation in a clear and user-friendly format, as well as various tools so that all citizens can elaborate and promote proposals.

Other supporting organisations
Among the organisations who have already committed to participate in this initiative are:
Ahora Nos Toca Participar
Amnesty International
Asociación de Abogadas Feministas (ABOFEM)
Colegio Médico
Corporación La Morada
Corporación Miles
Comunidad Mujer
Corporación Opción
Derechos Digitales
Fundación Iguales
Fundación para la Confianza
Fundación para la Superación de la Pobreza
Fundación Vivienda
Movimiento de Acción Migrante
Observatorio Ciudadano
ONG Fima