GI-ESCR disseminates health report at World Health Day celebrations in Kenya

On 7 April 2022, GI-ESCR’s Africa Representative, Ashina Mtsumi, joined health rights activists, government representatives and community members in Isiolo, Kenya to celebrate World Health Day. This event was also an opportunity to for GI-ESCR to disseminate their latest report: Patients or customers? The impact of commercialised healthcare on the right to health in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ashina Mtsumi presents the report to the County Director of Public Health, Director of Mental Health Services.

Africa Rights Talk podcast (South Africa)

GI-ESCR’s Africa Representative and Programme Offficer Rossella di Falco participated in the Centre for Human Rights podcast series. Its first episode for 2022 discussed the issue of reversing the commercialisation of public services with a particular focus on the right to health

Learn more about our work on the Right to Health.