Governance For Health In Uganda And Its Implications For Achieving SDG 3

Accountability mechanisms should be set up to regulate the provision of health services by private actors in Uganda. This was the focus during a panel on Sustainable Development Goal 3.8 on the right to health with the Ministry of Health for Uganda, the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights and Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

This update was original posted on the Makerere University School of Law website.

The session panel was constituted of; Dr. Aloysius Ssenyonjo of the Ministry of Health, Ms. Salima Namusobya of ISER, Ms. Ashina Mtsumi of Global Initiative for ESCRs, Dr. Kamba and Ms. Harriet Rwabugahya of Community Health Advocate Buikwe District.

The discussion in this session centered around SDG 3.8 that pertains to the right to health. The panelists deliberated on the dire state of the right to health in Uganda. Uganda’s government priorities instead of those suggested by SDGs like health and education. The panel came up with suggestions on how the government should go about implementing the SDGs such as; certain universal standards like non-discrimination should be applied to the provision of health services, government should cautiously enter in to partnerships with the private sector as private actors usually have ulterior motives not necessarily in line with promoting the right to health, a different body or committee needs to be set up to regulate the provision of health services.


