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GI-ESCR participated in radio program to discuss the energy transition as a human rights and gender issue

Last Sunday 24 July GI-ESCR participated in the grassroots feminist radio program “Violeta Radio”, a public and community-based radio station in Mexico City aimed at sharing the experiences and views of feminist activists and women human rights defenders working on gender and the environment.

The program is conducted by Karla Priego, program director of the just energy transition program at Oxfam México, and supported by the Alliance of Women for their Right to Communicate. During the conversation, Alejandra Lozano, GI-ESCR’s Program Officer on Climate and Environmental Justice shared insights on how we could use the framework on economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights to advocate for a just energy transition with gender and human rights perspective.

“The energy transition should not be focused only on a technical transition to go from one form of energy to another, we need to rethink the transition process at a more structural level asking key questions: energy produced for whom? for what purposes? This will allow us to question the overall dominant energy paradigm beyond the decarbonization process and to reformulate the way we relate to energy resources, and deliver on new democratic, sustainable, rights-aligned and gender equal forms of generating, distributing and consuming energy for all without discrimination.”

Alejandra Lozano

GI-ESCR’s participation in these spaces allows raising awareness of the importance of the energy transition as a key human rights and gender issue and contributes to build momentum to push for transformative change in the energy sector. This platform also provided GI-ESCR with the opportunity to strengthen its links and partnerships with key civil society organizations , share the results of the research conducted , and to learn form alternative sustainable energy models addressing interlocking inequalities, gender and environmental crises.

You may watch the recording by following this link ( only available in Spanish).