GI-ESCR joins call for more civil society access and participation at UN

GI-ESCR joined an open letter signed by 52 civil society organisations calling for increased civil society access and participation in light of on-going restrictions, including but not limited to the implications of the Strategic Heritage Plan which sets out the renovation of parts of the Palais de Nations, the main UN building in Geneva and for the Human Rights Council.

In the open letter, GI-ESCR and partners call on the members and observers of the UN Human Rights Council to reinstate the unrestricted access to organise side events at the UN during the council, to guarantee hybrid participation modalities for relevant meetings such as the UN Treaty Body meetings, and to address the technical challenges that go hand in hand with such hybrid meetings. Moreover, the letter draws attention to the insufficiency of accessability of many in-person meetings due to the room layouts which are not disability friendly.

This letter is a strong sign for the need for more access and participation of civil society who play a key role in guaranteeing human rights for everyone.