GI-ESCR helped facilitate workshop on Gender, Intersectionality and Just Energy Transition

Last 30 May GI-ESCR participated as facilitator of the workshop on “Gender, Intersectionality and Just Energy Transitions” convened by the organizations Oxfam and Publish What You Pay as a space for mutual learning, knowledge and experience sharing on feminist intersectional approaches to the energy transition in Latin America.

The workshop convened about 20 representatives of civil society organizations working on just energy transitions in the region to discuss the interlinkages between energy, gender, the climate emergency and just transition policies and frameworks to define objectives aimed at mainstreaming an intersectional feminist lens into a collective advocacy campaign to advance a just energy transition. The event was organised after a series of strategy meetings were held between members of the initiative developed by Oxfam and as part of a larger effort to develop a common regional agenda between civil society organizations to advocate for a popular, feminist, and just energy transition along strategic lines of action for the Latin American region.

During the event, facilitators and participants identified thematic priorities and key gender objectives that need to be envisaged to ensure the perspectives and voices of women in all their diversity are centered in a regional advocacy campaign. The workshop furthermore allowed for members to map initiatives on energy and gender in different countries and discuss strategies on the best way forward to ensure gender goals are given priority in the work of the organizations participating in the initiative. To this end, a smaller Committee on Gender was established to oversee the development and further implementation of the gender strategy in the overall advocacy campaign to advance a just energy transition.

GI-ESCR contributed to shape the materials for the event, facilitate the discussion amongst partners, and will actively participate in the collective development of the gender strategy as part of the Committee on Gender. These efforts at the regional level will also help inform advocacy strategies to push for a gender-just transition at the global level.

The results of the workshop can be accessed here!