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GI-ESCR held a session at the 30th Annual IAFFE Conference

From 29 June to 1 July, GI-ESCR participated at the 30th Annual Conference of the International Association of Feminist Economics (IAFFE) organizing the session: Learning Lab Conceptualizing Climate Justice form a Feminist Economic Perspective”. The event was jointly co-hosted by GI-ESCR, Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia, and the Campaign of Campaigns bringing together more than 25 experts and organizations in person and online from the environmental and feminist fields to discuss how could we ground the concept of climate justice from a dynamic, bottom-up and participatory approach and help develop an environmentally conscious feminist economic model.  

The session created a participatory space for feminists to bridge gaps in knowledge, explore and pose questions, share tools, case-studies, resources and further develop our collective understanding on climate justice. The learning lab used online participatory exercises to engage with virtual participants and detonated a rich debate with in-person attendees that provided a common arena to learn and help set key milestones to develop an alternative narrative that can deliver on a feminist and sustainable economic model.  

The session was conducted by the following activists and experts that helped frame the debate and contributed to lead the discussion: 

  • Joie Chowdry, Program Coordinator, Environment & ESCR 

  • Bhumika Muchhala, Third World Network 

  • Emilia Reyes, Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia  

  • Verónica Serafini, Latindadd  

The event allowed to continue building momentum to bridge the collective efforts of the feminist and environmental social movements in accelerating the decarbonization of our societies and to ensure the shift towards a just and sustainable future delivers on substantive gender equality and the realization of human rights. It furthermore allowed GI-ESCR to strengthen alliances with key partners and stakeholders and contribute to academic inquiry into the interlinkages between economic policy, climate and gender equality. The results of the event will be translated into a publication that will share the key takeaways and collective analysis produced during the Learning Lab brining a feminist lens into climate policy and action.  

Annually the IAFFE conference brings together a diverse, dynamic and interdisciplinary community of feminists from across the globe that contribute to further develop and share results of academic research, share experiences of activists on the ground and shape the debates of feminist theory and practice.  

Learn more about the IAFFE Conference by following this link