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GI-ESCR convenes experts and civil society organisations around a human rights-based fiscal policy

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Amid the constitutional process in Chile, the Global Initiative for Social, Economic and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) has promoted the debate around the mechanisms that will realise the social, economic, cultural and environmental rights (ESCER) recognised in the new fundamental charter. Among them, fiscal policy, i.e. how the State collects taxes and invest them, is crucial.

To deepen this debate, GI-ESCR has convened Chilean and international civil society organisations to organise the webinar series #SinRecursosNoHayDerechos. The meetings have addressed dimensions of the fiscal policy that are critical for the realisation of the ESCER and should be included in the new Constitution. The topics included the economic model, political institutions, decentralisation, climate justice and gender equality.

The webinar series seeks to bring the human rights-based fiscal policy into the public agenda, democratise the debate, assemble organisations working on this issue and draft proposals for the Constitutional Convention.

These are the voices that have participated in the webinar series:

  • Christian Viera, member of the Chilean Constitutional Convention.

  • Andrea Repetto, PhD in Economics, board member of Espacio Público

  • Rodrigo Uprimny, member of the UN's Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

  • Olivia Minatta, researcher at the Center for Economic and Social Rights.

  • Nicolás Eyzaguirre, former Chile’s Minister of Finance

  • Javiera Martínez, president of Fundación Rumbo Colectivo

  • Horacio Corti, professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires

  • Pía Mundaca, executive director of Espacio Público

  • Andrés Mejía, researcher at King’s College London

  • Claudia Sanhueza, PhD in Economics and researcher at COES

  • Rodrigo Guerrero, executive director of Centro Contribuye

  • Sebastián Smart, regional director of the National Institute for Human Rights (Chile)

  • Cristóbal Otero, PhD (c) in Economics and author of the book “Fair taxation”.

  • Andrea Bentancor, PdD in Economics and lecturer at the University of Talca (Chile)

  • Aldo Madariaga, researcher at COES:

The webinar series #SinRecursosNoHayDerechos is organized by GI-ESCR in alliance with Espacio Público, OXFAM, Ciudadanía Inteligente, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Centro Contribuye, The Initiative for Human Rights Principles in Fiscal Policy  and COES.

Watch the webinar series here! (Spanish only)

Webinar 1: New Constitution and the economic model

Webinar 2: Political Institutions and Financial Constitution

Webinar 3: Taxes and Regions in the new Constitution. Who pays the bill?

Webinar 4: Fiscal Policy for a Green and Feminist Chile