Webinar: From gender-responsive to gender-transformative public services. Public services as a tool to promote gender equality

A unique and dynamic online discussion took place on Public Services Day, 23 June 2022 in a side event to the 50th session of the Human Rights Council to reflect on the crucial role of public services in tackling systemic and underlying factors that underpin gender inequality.

Watch the recording:

Women have suffered disproportionately from job losses and reduced income as a result of the economic fallout of Covid-19. They are also disproportionately shouldering the burden of additional care and domestic work in the context of Covid-19 and globally represent the majority of care workers and health professionals globally, frequently working in precarious conditions. Additionally, women have also been suffering with increasing gender-based violence in a context of limited or non existence access to violence support services. In the face of these structural and emerging challenges, public services can play a decisive role in the transformation of the asymmetrical and unjust power relations between women and men.

Building on the successful parallel event to the Generation Equality Forum organised last year on gender-transformative public care services, this webinar convened a group of women policymakers, experts and representatives of civil society organisations to explore what are gender-transformative public services and what is required for this approach to be achieved in practice.


Panel 1: Challenges and risks: what are the key barriers to the development of gender- transformative public services?  
Panel 2: Solutions and opportunities: how would gender-transformative public services look like in practice? What are the key components of a gender-transformative agenda for public services? 


  • Corina Rodríguez, member of the executive committee of Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN) 

  • Rosa Pavanelli, General Secretary of Public Services International (PSI)

  • Chenai Mukumba, Policy Research and Advocacy Manager at Tax Justice Network Africa

Moderator:  Rossella de Falco, Program Officer, Right to Health at the Global Initative for Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR).  

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