Civil Society Policy Forum: Perspectives on the WDR 2018 and World Bank Policy and Lending


The World Bank recently released the World Development Report (WDR 2018);LEARNING to Realize Education's Promise. This is the World Bank's first ever WDR devoted solely to education. As part of the Civil Society Policy Forum of the 2017 World Bank/ IMF Annual Meetings, this upcoming session will focus on the World Bank's Approach To Learning. The relevance of the World Bank's policies and lending for the global education agenda will be one of the issues in discussion. Other key areas to be explored during the session will include the World Bank's approach to financing, equity, learning, teachers and the role of the private sector.

The guest speakers will include: David Archer, Head of Programme Development, Action Aid International; Juliet Wajega Deputy General Secretary, Uganda National Teachers Union; Dr. Francine Menashy, Assistant Professor, Department of Leadership in Education, University of Massachusetts, Boston and Dr. Jaime Saavedra, Senior Director, Education, World Bank. Katie Malouf-Bous, Policy Advisor Education & Health, Oxfam International, will moderate the session.

The session will be held on Tuesday, October 10th 3:00-4:30pm EST at the World Bank I Building (1850 I St. NW) 2nd Floor.

Global Initiative - ESCR, alongside other organizations; ActionAid, The East African Centre for Human Rights, Global Campaign for Education, Oxfam, Education International and RESULTS have co-sponsored this Annual Meeting.