Over 200 civil society organisations and trade unions call together for a Global Fund for Social Protection

A Global Fund for Social Protection: the adequate multilateral initiative needed to respond to Covid-19 and to build a better future

21 September 2020. In view of the global harm from the COVID-19 pandemic, with food insecurity, poverty and loss of livelihoods rising globally, over 200 civil society organizations and trade unions, including GI-ESCR, are launching a common call for a Global Fund for Social Protection, to ensure that national social protection floors are made available to all people – through nation and international solidarity.

While recognising that the foremost responsibility for social protection lies at country level, the pandemic puts a spotlight on the need for international solidarity.

This solidarity-based Global Fund for Social Protection would support countries design, implement and, in specific cases, finance national floors of social protection.

  • Read the call here on Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors website (available in Arabic, Russian, English, French and Spanish).

  • Read the press release 

  • WATCH!

    Sharan Burrow (General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC), Prof. Olivier De Schutter (UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights), Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmena (Executive Director of the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), Presiding Bishop Dr. Shoo (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania – ELCT), Joycia Thorat (Project Officer, Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action) and Dr. Tavengwa M Nhongo (Director, the Africa Platform for Social Protection – APSP) guide you through different aspects of this new Global Fund explaining why we need the Fund and how it would work.