The message for Human Rights Day by our Executive Director has been echoed worldwide

Our Executive Director, Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona, in the framework of Human Rights Day, celebrated on 10 December 2022, has addressed the links between fiscal policies and human rights. She noted that “pandemics, wars, and recessions do not exempt States from meeting their human rights commitments. They must tax multinationals and the richest more to finance targeted policies protecting the most vulnerable against the cost-of-living crisis”.

The Op-Ed has been echoed in several countries around the world by important global and national media outlets in 5 languages (see detail below).

Everywhere, households are losing the inflation battle. Once their coping mechanisms are exhausted and nothing more can be dispensed, what remains are feelings of anguish and lack of control. No longer having a say in decisions affecting their lives, they are forced to depend on others, resulting in a loss of dignity. This is, in fact, a violation of their human rights

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This Op-Ed is part of our efforts to change the narrative on fiscal policies. Thus, we are proud to announce that it has been published in 24 media outlets in 23 countries as well as in some global and regional outlets. The op-ed is available in 5 different languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian.

10 December 2022 - Social Europe (Europe) - Taxing super-profits to beat inflation, defend rights. (Op-Ed by our ED Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona)