17 OCT, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty | JOIN digital commemoration!

“Acting together to achieve social and environmental justice for all’’, is the topic of the 2020 worldwide digital Commemoration of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, organised by the International Movement ATD Fourth World, UN DESA, the Permanent Missions of France and Burkina Faso to the United Nations, the International Committee for Oct17 and the NGO Committee for Social Development. Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona, GI-ESCR Executive Director, will act as first Master of Ceremony of the event.

People who live in extreme poverty are often the most affected by climate and environmental change. While they are already taking action to resist poverty, today they are also facing the consequences of these new challenges.

However, their efforts and experiences often go unnoticed; their ability to take positive action is ignored and their voice is not heard, especially in international bodies.

On October 17, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the United Nations ensures that their knowledge, contributions and experience are recognized and celebrated. This year, an online global commemoration will share video messages from people and communities living in poverty and facing the adverse effects of environmental degradation and climate change and mobilized to address them. Their experiences remind us that social injustice and environmental injustice often go hand in hand. Hence, the solutions they call for are also closely linked. Implementing them requires the mobilization of all.


To follow the worldwide commemoration,

  • A global interactive event in FRENCH and ENGLISH will be organized on Facebook Watch Party at 11 am New York /3pm UTC/5 pm Paris /6pm Nairobi.

  • For those not able to attend the Facebook Watch Party, the video of the global commemoration will be uploaded on ATD Fourth World's Youtube channel on October 17, at midnight EST.

For access to these links and further technical details, please register on the Eventbrite Page


Join the online conversation by following the hashtags #EndPoverty, #IDEP2020 and #EcoSocialJustice on Twitter and Facebook! 

Program of the Online Commemoration

  • Video message from the International Committee for October 17.

  • Video message from the UN Secretary General, Mr. António Guterres.

  • Video message from people with experience of poverty in Latin America expressing that the only sustainable justice reconciles social justice and environmental justice.

  • Video message from Ambassador de Rivière, Permanent Mission of France to the UN.

  • Video message from people with experience of poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo, facing devastating floods but acting within their community to resist and rebuild together.

  • Video message from Ambassador Itegboje, Deputy Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations, on behalf of members of the Alliance for Poverty Eradication.

  • Video message from activists with experience of poverty in Belgium, engaged in a participatory process with a Belgian federal agency on the theme of sustainability.

  • Video message from Ambassador Tiare, Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso to the UN.

  • Video message from Ms. Isabelle Perrin, General Director of ATD Fourth World - call to action.