Update on the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights January 2020


GI-ESCR’s CESCR updates provide information about developments in the work of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This update provides information about changes to the schedule of State reviews and the publication of a draft General Comment on science and economic, social and cultural rights.

CESCR only Map.PNG

State Reporting Procedure

There have been changes to the schedule of State reviews for the up-coming Committee session and the pre-session.

At the next session, from 17 February to 6 March 2020, the following States will be reviewed:

Belgium, Benin, Guinea, Norway, Ukraine

The deadline for civil society parallel reports for those States is 24 January 2020.

All information and documentation can be found on the session webpage HERE.

The session will be webcast HERE.

The Committee will hold its pre-session during the week of 9 March 2020.  The following States will be considered during the pre-session:

List of Issues: Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uzbekistan

List of Issues Prior to Reporting: Canada, Chile, France, Italy

The deadline for civil society submissions is 10 January 2020.

All information and documentation can be found on the pre-session webpage HERE.

Thematic work and Proposed General Comments

After holding a Day of Discussion about the proposed General Comment on science and economic, social and cultural rights, in October 2018, the Committee has now prepared a draft General Comment. The draft document is available on the Committee’s website and input is now invited from all stakeholders (States, human rights mechanisms, UN agencies, National Human Rights Institutions, NGOs, research institutions and academics). Written submissions of no more than 5 pages can be made until 14 February 2020.

Further information can be found HERE.

Meeting with civil society: 3 march 2020

The Committee has scheduled a meeting with civil society organisations on Tuesday 3 March 2020, 13:30 – 15:00 at Palais Wilson, first floor conference room.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for the Committee to brief civil society about developments in its work and for civil society to raise questions and reflections. Those wishing to attend should register via the on-line system: https://indico.un.org/event/33377 . The Committee can accommodate a limited number of requests to participate via video conference. Those wishing to participate via video conference should email the Secretariat: cescr@ohchr.org.

The Committee’s invitation can be found HERE.

Palais Wilson, Geneva

Palais Wilson, Geneva

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