Message from the Executive Director

dr. Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona

Dear friends,

Welcome to our annual report for 2021. This report covers a very turbulent year. In 2021, we witnessed how health systems and economies were thrown into crisis, highlighting profound shortcomings in public financing, institutional capacity, global economic resilience, and care systems. The COVID-19 pandemic concealed older crises, with deeper roots: the climate and environmental crises, extreme and growing inequality, and failure to regulate the powers of private companies. All were areas in which GI-ESCR and partners have focused in 2021.

In the face of powerful regressive forces, in 2021 there were also important victories. This report highlights what we achieved. Our impact could be felt in several ways: in shifting narratives about the role of the State in the provision of economic, social and cultural rights-related services (e.g. health, education and social protection); in building a cross-constituency movement demanding a recovery that invests in public services and in a green energy transition, that is rights-based and responsive to the needs of disadvantaged groups and women.

In the report, you will learn about concrete cases where our work with partners is leading to change at the global and local levels and how GI-ESCR has helped forge alliances in support of a just and gender-sensitive transition to renewable energy. You will read about the Manifesto for Public Services which 200 organisations around the world have endorsed and have been advocating for. You will also hear how women’s voices from an indigenous community in Mexico were brought to the attention of international human rights mechanisms to seek accountability for violations of rights reportedly committed by two States and the company implementing a mega project in their territories.

Our impact could also be felt in the process to develop a new Constitution in Chile which has the potential to reverse decades of neoliberal policies. We have built strong national, regional and international alliances with civil society organisations; developed tools and analyses; and co-created a digital platform that enables individuals, movements, and civil society organisations to participate actively in Chile’s constitutional process.

The achievements made in 2021 would not have been possible without the support of partners, the generosity of donors, the guidance of our Board of Directors, and, crucially, our hard-working team. I personally continue to be inspired by the commitment and passion of colleagues and partners around the world and the courage and resilience of human rights defenders.

As we look ahead to a future that is sure to bring new opportunities and new challenges, we remain committed to working together towards a more equitable recovery from the pandemic and more effective solutions to the problems of inequality, poverty, authoritarianism and environmental decline.

In solidarity,


Executive Director of the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights