The Private Actors and the Right to Education Caselaw Database brings together summaries of relevant cases expounding on the right to education, particularly in the context of the involvement of private actors.
These cases provided some of the legal background that informed the experts for the drafting of the Abidjan Principles on the right to education, and are included in the forthcoming Commentary to the Abidjan Principles on the right to education.
Cases included in this database can be searched using the filters on the left according to theme (keywords), country, court, and their relationship with the Abidjan Principles. The filter for the Abidjan Principles makes it possible to cross-check how cases are related to specific principles – including both the 10 Overarching Principles and the 97 Guiding Principles.
It is also possible to search for cases directly by keyword by using the search bar on the left.
The database will be regularly updated to include more relevant cases, as summaries are produced. Do not hesitate to contact us if you know of an important case missing.
Adopted in February 2019, the Abidjan Principles on the human rights obligations of States to provide public education and to regulate private involvement in education compile and unpack the existing obligations of States regarding the delivery of education and explore the role and limitations of the involvement of private actors in education.
GI-ESCR would like to acknowledge the contribution of the Sciences Po Law School Clinic, as well as the crucial support of: Alemayehu Begna, Bill Mokelwa, Comfort Gatwiri, Eric Namungalu, Esther Kariuki, Jane Nduati, Ruby Nyaoro and Zizipho Zondani.
This database was developed by SquareWebsites.
This database is regularly updated to ensure it is both comprehensive and current. These case summaries do not constitute legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel. Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) and the individual project participants are not responsible for any harm(s) suffered due to reliance on the information contained in this database. Moreover, GI-ESCR, and the individual project participants are not responsible for the content provided on third party websites linked to in this database.
While our aim is to provide a neutral information platform, our team had to make some inherently subjective determinations as to what to include or exclude. Best efforts have been made to ensure that this database contains only official, reliable information; however, it is possible there are errors in the information provided.
For any questions or comments, contact Sylvain Aubry.