Society for Unaided Private Schools of Rajasthan v. Union of India and Another


(2012) 6 SCC, Writ Petition (C) No. 95 of 2010



This case illustrates the obligations of the state to protect the right to education when it is being delivered by private actors. It also upholds the responsibility of private actors to respect human rights, particularly the rights to equality and non-discrimination, and adhere to minimum educational standards established by the state. This case also upholds the rights of minority groups to establish their schools and protect their culture by determining that the school population quotas could not be enforced in private minority schools.

Abidjan Principles:

Overarching Principle 3, Overarching Principle 4, Guiding Principle 47, Guiding Principle 48, Guiding Principle 51, Guiding Principle 52, Guiding Principle 54, Guiding Principle 55




Supreme Court of India

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