#8M - Towards a feminist energy transition

In this International Women’s Day we launch this video to share how the contributions and perspectives of women are shaping a just low carbon future for all.

As part of the work that GIESCR is doing regarding the risks and opportunities that the transition to renewable energy presents for women’s rights, on this 8M 2023 we continue to advocate for states to make progress in a gender-just transition to low carbon societies.

The global transition to renewable energy is essential and underway, but what will be the implications for gender equality and women’s rights?

In this process, the voices of women from communities and groups most affected by renewable energy policies and by energy poverty must play a central role. It is only through their experiences and expertise that we will better understand the gendered impacts of renewable energy and their transformative potential to catalyse gender equality.

This video showcases the stories and testimonies of women activists, human rights defenders, and experts around the world advocating for a gender-just transition to renewable energy. From the frontlines, the voices of these women tell us why the energy transition should not be limited to a technological shift to go from fossil fuels to sustainable sources of energy, but rather be recognised as a transformative process to advance human rights and gender equality . It shares the experiences of women driving the transition towards sustainable societies and economies to outline how could a feminist energy transition look like. In this International Women’s Day we launch this video to share how the contributions and perspectives of women are shaping a just low carbon future for all.