GI-ESCR celebrates the 4th anniversary of the Abidjan Principles

The Abidjan Principles are the reference text on the right to education, that was adopted by the most qualified experts in February 2019, following three years of consultation. They compile existing law on the right to education, in particular in the context of privatisation and commercialisation in education, and tell us what States are legally obliged to do in education.

In just four years, the Principles have been recognised by more than 10 human rights bodies and legal institutions. They were also recently referenced in the Tashkent Declaration, which was adopted at the UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education in November 2022. 

To advocate for them is among our priorities, as we call on governments and intergovernmental institutions to focus on building strong and free public education systems with a focus on human rights, instead of diverting funds to a private sector that frequently privileges profit.

GI-ESCR has prepared 3 briefs on the Abidjan Principles (AP) which present in a synthetic manner essential information regarding the principles, which are a reference point for governments, educators and education providers when debating the respective roles and duties of states and private actors in education.

To date, the Abidjan Principles have been used for research, advocacy and litigation by various actors across South America, Africa, Europe and Asia. In addition to resources that can be found on the website, the book ‘Realizing the Abidjan Principles on the Right to Education’ was published in 2021. The book is openly accessible and was released alongside a series of videos featuring the contributing authors summarising their chapters. 

For more information, follow developments on the Abidjan Principles website, and on Twitter via the hashtag #AbidjanPrinciples

You can read about the progress of the Abidjan Principles here

En seulement quatre ans, les Principes d’Abidjan ont déjà été reconnus par plus de dix organismes de défense des droits de l’Homme et des institutions juridiques. Ils ont également été récemment mentionnés dans la Déclaration de Tachkent adoptée à la Conférence mondiale de l’UNESCO sur l'Éducation et la Protection de la Petite Enfance (Novembre 2022).

À ce jour, les Principes d’Abidjan ont été utilisés pour la recherche, le plaidoyer et le contentieux par divers acteurs d’Amérique du Sud, d’Afrique et d’Asie. En plus des ressources disponibles sur le site internet, le livre Réaliser les Principes d’Abidjan sur le droit à l’éducation a été publié en 2021, en accès libre. Les auteurs ont aussi résumé leurs chapitres dans une série de vidéos.

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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

En tan solo cuatro años, los Principios han sido reconocidos por más de 10 organismos de derechos humanos e instituciones jurídicas. De igual manera, recientemente se hizo referencia a ellos en la Declaración de Tashkent, adoptada en la Conferencia Mundial de la UNESCO sobre Atención y Educación de la Primera Infancia (noviembre de 2022). 

Hasta la fecha, los Principios de Abiyán han sido utilizados para la investigación, la promoción y el litigio por diversos actores de América del Sur, África, Europa y Asia. Además de los recursos que pueden encontrarse en el sitio web, en 2021 se publicó el libro "Realizing the Abidjan Principles on the Right to Education". El libro es de libre acceso y se publicó junto con una serie de vídeos en los que las autoras y los autores resumen sus capítulos.