GI-ESCR and partners host dialogue with the Mathare Community Education Taskforce

Improving access to quality education in urban informal settlements: strategic litigation as a tool for advocacy

On Monday 13 February 2023, GI-ESCR in partnership with the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Africa and the East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights) hosted a community dialogue with the Mathare Community Education Taskforce and members of the community living in the Mathare informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya.

The purpose of this workshop was to establish a clear understanding of the challenges affecting access to quality education, including the absence of a public school in two areas within the settlement, the conditions within the available public schools and the proliferation and condition of unregistered low-cost private schools. The discussion was also an opportunity to understand the ongoing efforts by the community members to address the challenges, and enhancing the understanding of strategic litigation as an advocacy tool to push for better public education in the area. It was also an opportunity to explore other proposals to address the identified challenges. The dialogue was preceded by a learning visit to one public school, and two low-cost private schools in Mathare to better understand the context of education in the settlement.

This community dialogue is aligned with our priority to reverse the commercialisation of public services, including education, and work in partnership with communities and other organisations to advocate for stronger inclusive, quality public education.

Photos by Gilbert Onyango