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Bringing issues of privatisation and the right to education to the UN

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This post was initially posted on The Right to Education Project's blog, which kindly let us re-post it. See the original on For more information on advocacy on the right to education in Morocco, see our page.

Sylvain Aubry -



It is the morning of Wednesday 3rd September, at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights headquarter in Geneva. The dice is cast; in a few minutes, we will know. My Moroccan colleague, who represents the Moroccan Coalition on Education for All, and myself, who represents the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) are waiting anxiously. Will they ask the question? What will the government respond? The moment comes. Ms Amal Aldoseri, a member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), brings up a number of questions about the education system in Morocco, and finally asks: “Could you explain the impact of the development of private education on inequalities and the right to education in your State?

We cannot help but feel an inner sense of excitement at what is happening. We are nearing our goal, after of one year of hard work to try to draw attention to the creeping privatization of education in Morocco and its devastating effects. The Moroccan government will finally have to explain why, for more than a decade, it has supported and promoted the development of fee-paying, profit-making, private schools, tripling the amount of students enrolled in private schools, thereby participating to widen the inequalities in access to quality education and further dividing the society between rich and poor.

The government is represented in Geneva by 20-strong Moroccan delegation led by the Minister for Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development, Ms Bassima Hakkaoui. The delegation came to Geneva to discuss its implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, as part of the periodic review that the CRC normally conducts every five years. The government representative in charge of education starts responding to Ms Aldoseri’s questions. He gives a response to all the issues she raised, praising the ‘great progress’ and the achievement of Morocco with regards to education, followed by Ms Hakkaoui, who complements his responses, except…. that they both ignore the question about privatisation in education.

We think that it’s finished, CRC has very little time to conduct the review, privatisation was a small question at the end and may seem to the Committee to be a small issue; the discussion will now move to the next issue, as planned.  The government will not give any information, and we’ll have to cross our fingers that the Committee still pays attention to privatisation in education in its written recommendations. But this is when we see someone raising his hand.  Mr Hatem Kotrane, a member of CRC from Tunisia, asks a follow-up question on privatisation. Basing himself on statistics from the Ministry of Education that my Moroccan colleague gave him earlier during the break, he wants to know why figures show that most teachers in private schools are also teaching in public establishments. Moment of silence in the room. Another hand is raised.  Mr Benyam Mezmur, a member of the CRC, asks an additional follow-up question, and wants to know why the government did not respond to the question on privatisation in education, which is a key point.

The government delegation looks unsure. Someone starts responding, and indicates that Morocco aims at reaching as soon as possible ‘20% of pupils enrolled in private schools.’ Ms Hakkaoui, the minister, follows and praises private education. She indicates that the government ‘promotes free competition in education, which is good for all citizens.’ They both insist that private education is ‘well regulated in Morocco,’ and that ‘no teacher from the public sector teaching in private schools.’ With this last statement, the Moroccan civil society organisations representatives seated next to me cannot help having a semi-amused, semi-shocked reaction, as everyone in Morocco knows that this is simply untrue…

The meeting proceeds, and the discussion is now moving to another issue. CRC members ask a set of questions about the right to health. However, as the government starts responding, Mr Benyam Mezmur, the member of the CRC, raises his hand once again: ‘I don’t usually insist and come back to an issue that has already been discussed, but… was the interpretation not working well, or did I understand well that the government of Morocco is aiming at reaching 20% of pupils in private schools!? Education is a public good, and it’s the responsibility of the government to provide quality education for all! … You say that everything is going well in your education system, but could you at least mention two issues that you’re facing?

Another moment of silence in the room. Ms Hakkaoui attempts a vague response, but quickly, the inter-ministry delegate in charge of human rights intervenes. With his human rights experience, he perhaps understands better that the discussion is going the wrong way for them, and he eventually admits that the education system is not perfect – though without giving any detail why –, adding that the country is working on a reform of the education system. At this point, we know that we have made a great step forward in our advocacy, and that our efforts of the last 10 months are starting to pay off. The CRC, thanks to its perseverance and precise questions, has forced the government to unveil its support to private education and to publicly show its embarrassment and lack of reflection on the impact it has on the right to education.

How did we get to this point? To reach this moment, these 5 minutes where the Moroccan government has to publicly explain itself about the disastrous effect of its privatisation policies, we have worked for several months. The GI-ESCR and the Moroccan Coalition started in October, thanks to the support of the Privatisation in Education Research Initiative (PERI), by conducting research on the scale and impact of privatisation in education in Morocco. Following this research, we submitted two reports to the CRC in December, ahead of the February CRC pre-session (which is a preliminary review) in February.

From then, we prepared simplified advocacy documents, had a number of meetings with stakeholders in Geneva to raise awareness about this still little-known issue, and actively mobilised and coordinated with civil society organisations in Morocco trough discussions and workshops. We were present in Geneva on the day of pre-session of the CRC, and although we were not invited at the pre-session itself (it’s a closed session only on invitation), we organised with other Moroccan organisations that were invited to attend to raise the issue of privatisation, and we used that opportunity to talk to key stakeholders outside of the session.

We got a first victory when the CRC included in its list of issues, which is a list of written questions that the CRC sends to the States before the review, questions about inequalities in education and the development of private schools. The State responded to these questions in June, but was very vague on the issue of privatisation. We then published a third report, highlighting what was missing in the government’s response.

It is only after this work that we got into Geneva, for the actual review session. At that point, most of the work was done, and we only had to do a final push to raise awareness about the issue. We sat, and waited eagerly for the CRC to ask its questions… The last step was then to try to get people who were not in Geneva – in particular people in Morocco – to know about what happened in that room at the Palais des Nations. Working with a broad network of actors Morocco was essential. We contacted many journalists and got good news coverage, in French, like here, here, here, or there, and in Arabic, like here. The good connexions of our partners in Morocco were very important!

Getting the CRC to question Morocco is not the end of the journey: this is just one State amongst many affected by privatisation, we need to wait to see whether the concluding observations (written recommendations sent to States) that that CRC will publish at the end of September adequately address the issue, and there will then be a lot of work needed to convince the government to implement those recommendations. This is, still, significant. The fact that a UN Committee of human rights experts publicly questions the development of private education and reminds the world that education is a public good is a major step. It is also a formidable message of hope for the thousands of activists who campaign around the world to defend public quality education for all, and beyond, a conception of society where every child can develop their personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential, and where every child learns to live together in an open, tolerant, and vibrant society.

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Sylvain Aubry is an independent consultant on human rights based in Nairobi, Kenya, from where he works with various organisations. He is currently working with    the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Right to Education Project, and a number of other global and domestic partners on aresearch and   advocacy project on privatisation and the right to education. If you are interested in getting involved, please free to contact him at