United Kingdom: CESCR, Concluding observations, E/C.12/GBR/CO/6, paras. 14–15, 24 June 2016

United Kingdom: CESCR, Concluding observations, E/C.12/GBR/CO/6, paras. 14–15, 24 June 2016

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United Kingdom

CESCR Concluding observations
paras. 14–15
24 June 2016

14. […] The Committee is particularly concerned about the financial support provided by the State party to private actors for low- cost and private education projects in developing countries, which may have contributed to undermine the quality of free public education and created segregation and discrimination among pupils and students (arts. 2, 13 and 14).

(a) Undertaking a systematic and independent human rights impact assessment prior to decision-making on development cooperation projects;
(b) Establishing an effective monitoring mechanism to regularly assess the human rights impact of its policies and projects in the receiving countries and to take remedial measures when required;
(c) Ensuring that there is an accessible complaint mechanism for violations of economic, social and cultural rights in the receiving countries committed in the framework of development cooperation projects.

The Committee calls upon the State party to adopt a human rights- based approach in its international development cooperation, by: