Ghana: CRC Concluding observations, CRC/C/GHA/CO/3-5, para. 57 – 58, 9 June 2015

Ghana: CRC Concluding observations, CRC/C/GHA/CO/3-5, para. 57 – 58, 9 June 2015

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CRC Concluding observations
para. 57–58
9 June 2015

57. […] The Committee is, however, concerned that the education system continues to face serious challenges, and is particularly concerned about:

(f) Private education developing very quickly, without the necessary supervision regarding the conditions of enrolment, the quality of education provided, and the transparency and efficiency in the management of education resources

58. In the light of its general comment No. 1 (2001) on the aims of education, the Committee recommends that the State party:

(h) Assess and address the consequences of the rapid development of private education in the State party and its impact on the full realization of children’s right to education in accordance with the Convention and ensure the effective and efficient regulation and monitoring of private education providers, through the Private School Desk within the Ghana Education Service.