Chile: CESCR Concluding observations, E/C.12/CHL/CO/4, para. 30, 19 June 2015

Chile: CESCR Concluding observations, E/C.12/CHL/CO/4, para. 30, 19 June 2015

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CESCR Concluding observations
para. 30
19 June 2015

30. The Committee welcomes the education reform undertaken by the State party and the efforts made to extend the coverage of primary education. However, it remains concerned that the lack of resources and, occasionally, the poor quality of public education continues to result in high levels of segregation and discrimination along socioeconomic lines, which has the effect of limiting social mobility in the State party (art. 13).

a) Take the necessary measures to ensure that the reform of the education system eliminates all mechanisms that result in the discrimination and segregation of students based on their social or economic background and, inter alia, ensure the effective implementation of the Inclusive Education Act, which regulates school admissions, eliminates partial fee-paying and stipulates that educational establishments receiving State support must be non-profit-making;

The Committee recommends that the State party should:

(b) Take the necessary measures to eliminate the sharp disparities in quality of education that currently exist between private, subsidized and public schools and to ensure that all schools have adequate infrastructure and suitably trained teaching staff;