Bhutan: CRC Concluding Observations, CRC/C/BTN/CO/3-5, paras. 13(a), 38-39, 2 June 2017

Bhutan: CRC Concluding Observations, CRC/C/BTN/CO/3-5, paras. 13(a), 38-39, 2 June 2017

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CRC Concluding Observations
paras. 13(a), 38-39
2 June 2017

Children’s rights and the business sector

13. (a) Formulate and implement regulations to ensure that the business sector, in particular private education providers and the tourism industry, complies with international and national human rights and labour standards with regard to children’s rights;

Education, including vocational training and guidance

38. The Committee welcomes the progress in reaching near universal primary education enrolment and the adoption of the strategic document 10 Year Education Blueprint (2014- 2024). The Committee is however concerned about:

38. (a) The absence of an appropriate legal education framework, including to make primary education compulsory and to regulate private education providers, namely in terms of curriculum and teachers’ qualification;

39. The Committee recommends that the State party:

(a) Adopt comprehensive legislation on the right to education, in accordance with articles 28 and 29 of the Convention, which should make primary education compulsory and applicable to both public and private educational institutions; and should regulate private education providers in terms of the curriculum taught and the qualifications of the teachers employed;