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Webinar: Public Services Delivery and Human Rights: Advancing Towards the Sustainable Development Goals

We held, on World Public Services Day a timely, interactive discussion on Public Services Delivery and Human Rights: Advancing Towards the Sustainable Development Goals. This virtual side event of the 50th Session of the Human Rights Council was hosted by the Permanent Missions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Malaysia, in partnership with the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights.


The Human Rights Council, in its resolution 37/7 of 22 March 2018 entitled “Promoting human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals through transparent, accountable and efficient public services delivery”, underlined that a professional, accountable and transparent public service upholding the highest standards of efficiency, competence, integrity, accessibility and non-discrimination is one of the essential components of good governance. It further stressed that ensuring such public services delivery contributes to the promotion and protection of human rights and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Encouraging exchange of best practices on public services delivery, the Council welcomed the initiatives of States to this end, including through organizing regional and international events. As a follow-up, on the side-lines of the 2019 United Nations Public Service Forum, which took place in the Republic of Azerbaijan from 24 to 26 June 2019, the Government of Azerbaijan in collaboration with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights organized an expert workshop on effective models for the delivery of public services contributing to the realization of human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals. Subsequently, a joint statement on the importance of human rights awareness in the public service towards effective implementation of measures to combat COVID-19 was delivered during the 46th Session of the Human Rights Council, which received cross-regional support of 111 Member States.

Within this context and in celebration of the 23 June – UN Public Service Delivery Day, the Permanent Missions of Azerbaijan and Malaysia in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights are organising a panel discussion on the side-lines of the 50th session of the Human Rights Council. The event will focus on the contribution of transparent, accountable and efficient public services delivery to the promotion and protection of human rights and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Particular attention is expected to be placed on the role of public service in leaving no one behind, through inclusion of vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, women, older persons, IDPs. It will also aim at addressing challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, that could impact the quality and efficiency of public services delivery. The panel discussion will provide a platform for Member States, intergovernmental organizations, national human rights institutions, civil society and other stakeholders to share success stories, exchange lessons learned, and reflect on existing challenges.



  • To take stock of activities in follow-up to the Human Rights Council resolution 37/7;

  • To identify best practices in the delivery of public services contributing to reducing inequalities, preventing discrimination, leaving no one behind, promoting good governance and stronger public institutions, and ensuring rule of law and access to justice;

  • To increase understanding and raise awareness about the importance of applying human rights perspectives to public service;

  • To promote international cooperation in supporting transparent, inclusive, accountable and efficient public services delivery, including in implementing resilient post-COVID-19 recovery policies;

  • To present innovative and effective strategies in addressing challenges faced by States that could impact the quality and efficiency of public services delivery.

*Learn more about the Global Manifesto for Public Services here