Keep abreast of all ESC rights developments in Geneva | Introducing GI-ESCR’s comprehensive new set of resources
At GI-ESCR we work to ensure strong and effective ESC rights legal frameworks and accountability mechanisms, and support national and local rights advocates to leverage the human rights system to fight social, economic and climate injustice. We have recently updated our webpages to provide new resources on the ESC rights developments of the United Nations human rights institutions.
In relation to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) our website now hosts:
A NEW page on the latest CESCR Jurisprudence, including summaries of all decisions under the Optional Protocol and analysis of general trends.
A NEW Guide to the Individual Communication Process, which details each step from registration to follow-up. This page also contains a collection of resources where further information may be found.
A NEW page with Updates from the Latest Sessions of the CESCR, including the latest news on the Committee’s transition to online work during the coronavirus pandemic.
A NEW page on GI-ESCR’s annual Yearbook of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which captures the full range of the Committee’s activities in a given year.
In relation to the Human Rights Council, we now have a NEW page dedicated to Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Updates from the Latest Sessions of the HRC.
Finally, we have also added a NEW page which collects together all of our work on Strengthening the UN Treaty Body system. This includes our latest advocacy to ensure that Treaty Bodies commence online reviews of States, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, our engagement with the 2020 Treaty Body Review, and our contribution to the TB-Net Yearbook on Treaty Body jurisprudence.
Palais des Nations, home of the United Nations Office at Geneva
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