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GI-ESCR calls for a gender-just energy transition to protect and fulfil women’s rights at the 47th Session of the Human Rights Council | Oral statement

This 06 July 2021, on behalf of GI-ESCR, Research Associate Juliette Wyss delivered an oral statement at the annual full-​day discussion on the human rights of women, at the panel discussion on gender​-equal socioeconomic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, during the 47th Session of the Human Rights Council. Highlighting that the pandemic has exposed the structural vulnerabilities and inequalities of the largely gender-blind fossil fuel-based energy system which has disproportionately affected women and girls. Through this oral statement, GI-ESCR calls for a gender-just energy transition to protect and fulfil women’s rights.

GI-ESCR notably underscores that, in the midst of the pandemic, many healthcare facilities have lacked access to reliable sources of energy, rendering adequate heath care and the storage of medical supplies, including vaccines, nearly impossible.

Given the wide gap in women and girl’s energy access, numerous women and girls have also been confronted with significant obstacles to continuing their work and education remotely since their households do not have access to electricity. This further increases the already enormous burden of care and domestic work for women and girls.

States must ensure that policies and laws connected to the renewable energy transition are gender-mainstreamed and take into consideration the specific needs of women and girls.”


Juliette WYSS delivering her statement on behalf of GI-ESCR